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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 468

Chapter 468 Showbiz Is Under the McGraw Family's Control

James immediately got up to soften Russell up.

"Mr. McGraw, you are finally here. Please take a seat."

Russell furrowed his brows and asked in a deep and low voice without any trace of politeness, "Are you saying that I came too slowly?"

"Of course not! My restaurant is already honored by your presence. How could I complain about you?"

James gently smacked his lips and smiled apologetically, "I said the wrong thing. Mr. McGraw, don't mind it."

Russell looked at him and was barely satisfied with his attitude.

James was not stupid. He quickly sensed the hostility Russell had toward him. The moment Russell came in, he immediately went against James. It was clear that Russell was trying to show off his strength and threaten him.

After all, James had to ask Russell a favor. With a smile on his face, he bowed and invited Russell to his seat. He attentively poured wine for Russell.

"Mr. McGraw, I'd like to propose a toast to you. My apology."

Russell glanced at the wine glass in James's hand, but he didn’t take it. He asked coldly, "If you have something to say, just say it. I'm very busy. Don't beat around the bush."

James felt speechless.

James felt embarrassed again. He could only put down his wine glass and explain his purpose, "Mr. McGraw, I wonder if you have been paying attention to trending topics about my group?"

Russell stared at him coldly without words.

James lowered his head and continued, "Two days ago, there was a piece of sudden news on the Internet that there was something wrong with the food safety of our company. The whole report was exaggerated, but the netizens believed it. In the past few days, the business of the hotel under our company was poor, and the stock market is still falling."

James continued to complain, "I spent a lot of money and thought of many ways, but the popularity still hasn't dropped. I don't know who the Hacker family has offended. We have been targeted so miserably."

James had a bitter expression on his face as he begged in an extremely humble tone, "Mr. McGraw, you are in charge of half of the showbiz. You only need to make a phone call to reduce the heat. Whatever you want, I will do my best to get it for you!"

Russell was waiting for this. "I can help the Hacker Group remove the trending topic. Besides, I can help the Hacker Group clarify that the matter about food safety is a rumor and restore the Hacker Group's reputation."

James was simply too surprised.

"Mr. McGraw, you are so good! I will not hesitate to get whatever you need at any cost!"

Russell pursed his lips and smiled. He raised his wine glass towards James.

James was flattered. He quickly raised his glass with both hands and lightly clinked it against Russell's glass. Then, James very sincerely drank a whole glass.

Russell only took a shallow sip. "What I need is very simple. You just need to cancel the engagement with Sherly Felton."

James almost choked on his wine.

James knew that Russell had been in a relationship with Sherlyn before, but he never thought that Russell would still care so much about Sherlyn.

"What? You're not willing?" Russell raised his eyebrows and asked when he saw that James was silent.

James was indeed in a difficult position regarding this matter. "Mr. McGraw, other than this condition, do you have any other requests?"

Russell pursed his lips. He darkened his face without words.

James saw that Russell was unhappy and could only bite the bullet and explain, "Mr. McGraw, there is something you don’t know. I asked Mr. Felton's help to make this engagement. If I cancel it, I don't think Mr. Felton will agree..."

Besides, James would also offend Ronian.

Moreover, with Russell's respect for Sherlyn, Russell would not allow Ronian to attribute the dissolution of the engagement to Sherlyn. The Hacker family would suffer such a loss.

Anyway, James would offend many people.

Russell ignored his complaints and said coldly, "Mr. Hacker, I'll give you a day to think about it. There's no room for negotiation on this condition."

Russell stroked his expensive pants and stood up, staring at James from above.


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