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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 478

Chapter 478 The Torture Continues

Ronian's jaw went slightly stiff, and his face was slightly pale.

With more than five hundred push-ups as a beginning, his whole body was sore.

There were still more than four hours until the time off duty. Ronian wondered what tricks Ormand would play against him.

Ormand saw his nervous expression and coldly smiled. Ormand ordered in a low voice, "Separate your feet to the same width as your shoulders. Take a seated position for an hour and execute it immediately."

Ronian didn’t expect it would be so easy.

"Yes, Sir."

He let out a sigh of relief and obediently followed the order.

The hot wind blew. His cheeks were sweating heavily. Ronian did not say a word, and he breathed steadily while silently calculating the time.

Ormand stared at Ronian for a while and said nothing. He bypassed the latter and walked to the bookshelf behind.

Ronian didn't dare look back. He couldn't see what Ormand was doing, but he could hear the sound of Ormand's military boots stepping on the wooden floor.

From close to far, and from far to near...

When Ormand returned, he carried a high stack of books and placed them on his desk.

Ronian was keenly aware that something was wrong.

Sure enough, in the next second, Ronian saw Ormand organize two stacks of books and place them on his lap.

In order not to let the books fall, Ronian could only bite the bullet and move down two inches to maintain the balance of the books.

After seeing that Ronian had held the books well during the short period, Ormand sorted out two more stacks of thick books and walked to him.

"Open your fists and raise your palms.”

Ronian did as told.

Two stacks of heavy books were put on his palms.

He gritted his teeth and continued to endure without a word.

Ormand calmly took a sip of iced coffee, walked around the desk, returned to his seat, and coldly said, "If you can't even hold on for an hour, then you should resign as the deputy director. If a book falls out, you will be suspended for a month. Think about it yourself."

Ronian held his breath and silently endured the physical punishment.

He was determined to make Ormand pay for this when he took over the power of the National Bureau of Investigation.

Ormand looked at the computer, but he glanced at Ronian out of the corner of his eye. He saw Ronian's gloomy gaze.

"Do you hate me?"

"No, Mr. Hobson. You're my superior. No matter what you do, I won't resist. I will cooperate with you."

Ormand sneered and did not expose Ronian. He only said, "As a subordinate, you must have the self-awareness to obey my orders. It is not a good thing to have too many ideas. If you are willing to follow the rules, we will be good."

Ronian knew what those words meant. Ormand wanted him to give up on the matter of Sherlyn and compromise with Viola and Russell.

Ronian pretended not to understand. "Mr. Hobson, you're right. I will naturally follow the rules. I will not go against the rules."

Ormand did not say anything else. He opened the drawer and took out an inverted timer. He handed it over and placed it in a place where Ronian could see.

Ronian looked down at the time Ormand had set up. It was a sixty-minute countdown.

In other words, the 20 minutes before this did not count.

Ronian thought that Ormand was good at torturing people.

He sneered secretly. His arms trembled slightly. He had done more than 500 push-ups, so he would lose his strength if he raised his arms.

He adjusted his breathing and gritted his teeth.

If he was suspended because of the books on his palms, the news would have a great impact on his reputation, and it would affect the stock price of the Felton Group.

He would never allow something like this to happen.

In this hour, time passed so slowly.


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