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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 496

Chapter 496 Find the Key and Be in Danger

In Felton's house.

The two bodyguards who came back from the Viorin limped upstairs and knocked on the door of Ronian's study.

"Come in."

The two bodyguards supported each other in pain.

Ronian was reviewing documents when he suddenly noticed their actions, and he was baffled.

"What happened? Where is Jennifer?"

"Mr. Felton, Jennifer wants to live in the Hobson's house and won't come back."

Ronian put down his pen and raised his eyebrows. "Isn't it good? Then why didn't you follow her? What did you come back for?"

The bodyguard said bitterly, "Mrs. Hobson forced us away and asked Jimmy and the others to beat us up. They told us to go back to where we came from."


A coffee cup was smashed on the ground.

The coffee splashed in all directions. The sound was shocking, indicating Ronian's anger.

"Good-for-nothing! Get out!"

With a gloomy face, Ronian rubbed his temples and had a headache.

Sherlyn was being guarded strictly. Jennifer was too naïve to accomplish anything, and she would only ruin things.

It was tricky.

Ronian opened the drawer in frustration and took out a colorless and odorless crystal that looked like ice sugar.

He took a deep breath, and the stimulation to his nerves was fierce. He felt much more comfortable.


The door of the study was knocked again.

Ronian kept the crystal in his hand and put it back into the drawer.

The person who came in was Dewey.

Dewey stepped forward and handed something to Ronian respectfully.

Ronian looked down. It was the key to the top floor and was stained with dirt.

It was the key he gave Dewey.

"Where did you find it?"

Dewey said, "It's in the garden. It's hidden under the grass, only revealing a little bit of gold. That's why I searched the whole night but didn't find it."

Ronian picked up the key, and his fingers were also stained with dirt.

He rubbed the dirt carefully. Because of the pleasure that the transparent crystal brought to him, it was rare that he did not lose his temper immediately.

"Dewey, tell me your conjecture."

"During last night's banquet, only Mr. Jerry came close to me and bumped into me. I suspect that he was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so he buried the key deliberately."

Ronian listened quietly and analyzed the situation clearly.

"He didn't bury it. It is impossible for him to leave such obvious traces. If he did, he would bury it deeply. I'm afraid that you won't be able to find it in a year or two.

"So, he probably wanted to return the key secretly. But later, he

discovered that I was on guard, and he threw it out of the room in a

panic. That's why this happened."

Dewey nodded. "You're right. That should be the case."

Ronian let out a strange laugh, and his eyes gradually turned cold.

Soon, he became furious.

He was so angry that he threw all the documents on the desk to the ground, even smashing the computer.

"Jerry! That bastard!"

Ronian thought, Jerry was the one who took the key, and the

medicine on the top floor must have been stolen by him.

As expected, he had colluded with Viola to scheme against me.

If the medicine was handed to Ormand, the consequences would be


Ronian's anger burned all of his rationality. He wished he could tear

Jerry into pieces immediately!

Dewey was almost hit by the documents that were thrown to the

ground and staggered back.

"Mr. Felton, don't worry. There is always a solution."

After venting his anger, Ronian had indeed regained a trace of


He called Caden and asked, "How is the situation in the secret interrogation room?"


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