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Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski novel Chapter 503

Chapter 503 A One-Day Tour in the Bureau

Ormand’s eyes were deep, and he said nothing.He waited for the entire seventh team to finish their search and then came down to report.

“Mr.Hobson, I didn’t find anything important in Mr.Ronian’s room.”

“Mr.Hobson, we didn’t find anything on the top floor.”


Ormand quietly listened to the report while looking at the bunch of servants and bodyguards in the garden as well as Dewey.

When Dewey heard the reports of all the searches here, his expression was the calmest and collected, as if he had expected the results.

Ormand narrowed his cold eyes and continued to order, “Everyone, search the garden and backyard of the villa again.Do not miss any details.”

Dewey lowered his head and clenched his fists.He knew about the backyard, and he instinctively clenched his fists.

Ormand was keen enough to capture Dewey’s reaction.

Without saying anything, Ormand personally checked the garden and the backyard with Todd and Nolan.

When they were checking the garden, Dewey was calm.

Ormand immediately went to the backyard and continued to give orders, “Everyone, come to the backyard.”

Hearing that, Dewey became even more tensed up.He clenched his fists and silently followed Ormand.

Todd found some glass pieces that had not been cleaned under the flower pot in the backyard.

Wearing rubber gloves, Todd picked up the glass pieces and handed them to Ormand.

“Ormand, look.”

Soon, other soldiers found glass pieces among some inconspicuous bushes.

Dewey, who was watching silently by the wall, swallowed his saliva.He remembered that because he was in a hurry that day, he let the bodyguards quickly smash all the glass tubes.He did not notice the shards of glass flying out and forgot to bury them.

Ormand gathered all the glass shards together.

The texture was the same.

Moreover, there wasn’t any dust or ashes on every piece of glass.

Obviously, those pieces were left here only recently.

Ormand raised his eyes and looked at Dewey in the corner sharply.

“Why are there so many glass pieces in the backyard that have not been cleaned up? What did the people from the Felton family do two days ago?”

Dewey pursed his lips and replied respectfully, “Two days ago, a servant broke a glass.He didn’t pick the pieces up and throw them away.Instead, he casually threw them into the bushes in the backyard.It was probably because he was too lazy.I’m sorry, Mr.Hobson.It was my fault for mismanagement.”

Ormand, wearing a pair of black leather gloves, picked up the glass shards again.

The piece was extremely thin.It wasn’t from a glass.But he did not refute Dewey.

He asked Todd to pack up the fine evidence and bring it back to the National Bureau of Investigation.

Before he left, he turned back and swept a sharp gaze at Dewey.

“Nolan, take Dewey away and send him to the suspect’s room.I will interrogate him myself.

“Yes, Mr.Hobson.”

Dewey was stunned.

“Ah? Mr.Hobson, I didn’t do anything.Why did you send me to the suspect’s room?”

Nolan walked over and handcuffed Dewey.

“Cover-up and failure to report shall be deemed as an accomplice and shall be punished the same as the offender.Dewey, Mr.Hobson has been dealing with cases for many years.No one has been able to play tricks in front of him.

“This way, please.You’re invited to a one-day tour of the suspect’s room at the National Bureau of Investigation”

Dewey’s face was pale, and he didn’t say anything.

Viola didn’t go to the McGraw Group this morning.

Russell would take Sherlyn to the lab for her rehabilitation treatment, and Viola came together.

Sherlyn was on fluids all day yesterday, plus a couple of shots of the special medicine.

Sherlyn was doing better.She didn’t show any signs of mania, but her mental state was not very good, and she did not know anyone.She ignored everyone.

Only when Ronian’s name was mentioned did she respond at all.

Russell kissed the back of her hand over and over again, and he was still very uneasy.

Viola watched from the side and sighed silently.


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