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Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets novel Chapter 144

Chapter 144 My legs are numb, don’t move 


Hill Villa. 

Lucas stared at the computer screen, with a serious expression on his small face, and instructed Master, “The next target is the R&D department of Hill Group, Master, don’t play with them!” 


On the other end of the phone, a lazy male voice came. 

In the next second, it was visible to the naked eye on the screen that he stepped up his attack. 

After a while, Hill Group fell. 

The people in the technical department were in a hurry, but no matter how fast they moved, they couldn’t move as fast as the other party. 

The independent system of the company’s R&D department was attacked and directly collapsed. 

“President, I didn’t stop… 

Looking at the computer with a black screen in front of him, Micky Holtwas sweating deeply. 

Seeing this result, Jason Hill was naturally dissatisfied. 

However, he did not blame he, but was more surprised. 

With he’s technology, he can at least rank in the top three 

Chapter 144 My legs are numb, don’t move 

among American hackers. 

Even if it is thrown in the international arena, it is still among the best. 

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At the beginning, it took a lot of effort to dig him out, but under the opponent’s attack, he was defeated so quickly. 

Jason Hill had a serious look on his face, and asked he, “The other party’s skills are superior to yours. Have you seen this attack pattern before?” 

he shook his head, frowned deeply, and tapped the keyboard again. 

“I haven’t seen it, but with the opponent’s operational skills, at least it can be ranked in the top three in the world!” 

Jason Hill narrowed his eyes. 

This strength was beyond his expectation … 

Such an enemy is something Jason Hill doesn’t want to see. 

“The opponent obviously still retains their strength!” 

he said again at this time. 

Jason Hill looked at him, “How do you know?” 

“The other party was trying to break through the firewall of the entire group just now! Later, half of them were intercepted by me, and half of them were given up by the other party and turned to attack the independent system of the R&D department. Now the system of the R&D 

Chapter 144 My legs are numb, don’t move 

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department has collapsed, and the other party has retreated completely. Do something else.” 

While speaking, he’s fingers stopped on the keyboard. 

“Anyway, track it down, I don’t like the feeling of being threatened.” 

Jason Hill ordered in a deep voice. 

The defense system of the Hill Group has always been impenetrable, but it was not what he wanted to see suddenly being slipped around like this. 


he also understood the seriousness of the matter, and nodded in response, “Don’t worry, I will follow up, but now I have to go to the R&D department first.” 

Jason Hill nodded. 

Soon, a group of people took the elevator and went to the R&D department… 

Hill Villa. 

Lucas looked at Hill Group’s internal surveillance and breathed a sigh of relief. 

It was finally a success! 

Daddy and the others have already gone to the R&D department. If Mommy is really in trouble in the company, they should be discovered soon. 

Chapter 144 

y legs are numb, don’t move 

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He thanked the man in a childish voice, “Master, thank you!” 

On the phone, the man responded with that unique lazy voice, “You’re welcome, but why are you attacking that company? Are you being bullied?” 

The tone of the man’s speech was somewhat probing. 

Lucas couldn’t talk to him more, so he quickly. responded, “No, I have my reasons, I’m fine now, master bye!” 

After speaking, the child hung up the phone. 

The man on the phone was amused. 

very good! 

Throw it away when you’re done using it, as expected of his apprentice. 

Jason Hill’s group arrived at the research department. 

But at this moment, the research department was pitch. black. 

Fortunately, Eaton Brown called security. 

After a while, the security guard turned on the lights. 

he quickly found the main control room of the R&D department, turned on the computer immediately, and began to rescue the crashed system… 

Chapter 144 My legs are numb, don’t move 

Jason Hill stood behind and watched, his expression extremely pale. 

No one spoke, except for the sound of he typing on the keyboard. 

About ten minutes later, an abrupt ringtone came from outside. 

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he was particularly sensitive at this time because he had just faced a hacker attack. In his doubtful voice, he was also cautious, “Whose phone is ringing?” 

The people present looked at each other and shook their heads. 

“It seems to have come from outside?” 

Eaton Brown identified it carefully and said. 

Jason Hill frowned, and asked aloud, “Is there anyone else in the R&D department?” 

“I gonna go see.” 


Eaton Brown said, and went out to check. 

After a while, he came back and reported directly, “On the table in the research room next door, there seems to be…. Ms. Rogers’ cell phone?” 


Jason Hill looked over inquiringly. 

Eaton Brown said kindly, “I have never seen Ms. Rogers use 


Chapter 144 My legs are numb, don’t move 

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that mobile phone, but the bag next to the mobile phone belongs to her.” 

At least he’d seen Aletta Rogers a few times, and he recognized it. 

Hearing this, Jason Hill went straight out and took a look next door. 

as expected! 

On the console of the No. 2 research room, there was the mobile phone he had bought for Aletta Rogers. 

Thinking of Aletta Rogers’ temperament, Jason Hill 

immediately ruled out the possibility that she forgot to take it away. 

Taking a step back, even if you really forgot to take your mobile phone, it is impossible to forget your bag? 

This means that the woman probably hasn’t left yet. 

Jason Hill asked, “Where is she?” 

“Didn’t see it.” 

Eaton Brown shook his head, feeling strange, “When we came here just now, the lights in the R&D department were off, Ms. Rogers may not be still there.” 

Jason Hill didn’t know why, but had a hunch. 

He ordered, “Look for it.” 

“Okay… okay.” 

Chapter 144 My legs are numb, don’t move 


Eaton Brown was stunned for a moment, and then realized in an instant, “I’ll call the security guards to look for it together.” 

At the moment, Aletta Rogers is locked in the bathroom. 

Her overall condition is not very good. 

The light was suddenly turned off just now, and a strong fear emerged in her heart. 

Fortunately, this is a bustling area, and the lights from the buildings standing outside shone in, dispelling the darkness. in the bathroom. 

She’s getting better, but still feeling unwell. 


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