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Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets novel Chapter 168

Chapter 168 

18 yan Wouchers 

After Mr. Hill’s son-in-law left the R&D department, he went to Jason Hill’s office. 

There is no need for anyone to report, the old man pushes the door and enters by himself. 

Jason Hill heard the movement, raised his head from behind the desk, and saw the bag in Mr. Old’s hand at a glance. 

He asked, “What’s in your hand?” 

Mr. Hill’s son-in-law was full of embarrassment,” Aletta gave me the aromatherapy, which said it has the effect of helping sleep. There are three bottles in total, all of which are for me, not for you!” 

He specially emphasized the last four words. 

Jason Hill responded lightly, “Oh.” 

Doesn’t look very interested. 

Mr. Hill’s son-in-law saw that he didn’t show off to his grandson, so he leaned over to his desk, took out the aromatherapy in the bag, and showed him off, “You haven’t received perfume made by girls, have you? I’m merciful, let you smell it Smell! Compared with those in the R&D department, the perfumers you hired at a high price, the girl’s level, I don’t know how many degrees higher!” 

Jason Hill also cooperated, took it over and smelled it. 

Every bottle tastes different. 

Very unique and classy indeed! 

Chapter 160 

Moreover, just for a moment, he felt that his mind, which had been filled with all kinds of data and tables, suddenly became more energetic. 

Without thinking about it, Jason Hill put one of the bottles into the cabinet, “There are so many fragrances, you probably won’t be able to use them up in a short time, and the smell will deteriorate after a long time. I’ll use this bottle for you.” 

Seeing his ‘robbing’ behavior, Mr. Old was stunned, “Did It tell you I would give it to you! The girl specially tuned it for me, you put it back!” 

Jason Hill was indifferent, picked up a document to check, and turned a deaf ear to Mr. Old’s displeasure. 

Mr. Hill’s son-in-law was almost annoyed, “Excellent! A bottle of aromatherapy would have to be robbed! If you had been nicer to her back then, you wouldn’t have gotten to the point of divorce! If you are still fine now, how much aromatherapy do you want?” No?” 

Jason Hill pursed his lips and remained silent. 

Mr. Hill didn’t bother to scold anymore, and quickly put away the remaining two bottles of aromatherapy, for fear that if he was too late, the remaining two bottles would also be poisoned. 

After the things were put away, Mr. Hill asked, “What happened at noon, have you found out the results of the investigation? How is Gail Rogers?” 

“I don’t know, I didn’t ask, the surveillance was called out.” 

Chapter 168 

Jason Hill responded lightly. 

When Mr. Hill heard this, he immediately said, “Where is it, show me.” 

Jason Hill pushed the laptop to him, the video still playing on it. 

Before Mr. Hill’s wife came, Jason Hill had played it countless times. 

Now start from the beginning, Mr. Hill only watched it once, and then laughed, “With the strength that a girl uses, even a three-year-old child can’t push it down!” 

The meaning in the words is that Gail Rogers is playing tricks. 

After Mr. Hill’s son-in-law finished speaking, Jason Hill didn’t respond after seeing him for a long time, and couldn’t help frowning, “You don’t believe in Gail Rogers’ acting skills, do you?” 

Jason Hill was a little speechless, and looked helplessly at his Old Mr., “I look like someone with such bad eyesight?” 


Mr. Hill’s son-in-law should not hesitate, “I have always wanted to take you to have your eyes treated, to see what’s wrong, so that you can put aside the treasure and bind it with a broken stone.” 

After he belittled his grandson, he pointed to the content in the video and said, “Look at this shabby stone play, even if 

Chapter 168 

758 Wouchert 

you go to the entertainment industry to play a trick, you probably don’t even qualify!” 

Jason Hill was amused by his master’s remarks. 

“You know quite a lot.” 

“Stop interrupting.” 

Old Mr. glared at him, stared at the screen again, and said in a low tone, “Look at the girl, the protective shell is erected all over her body, ouch, I’m so distressed!” 

“Back then, when Gail Rogers fell down the stairs, there was no surveillance at that location, and everyone said it was the girl who pushed it. At that time, she was alone, standing there alone trying to explain, but no one listened.” 

“Later, after you got married, she would often come to see me in the old house. During those few years of getting along, I was convinced that she was not that kind of person.” 

“However, words are to be feared…” 

When mentioning those things in the past, Mr. Old felt sorry for Aletta Rogers even more. There was a trace of sourness in his sharp eyes, “In those years, everyone was unfriendly to her. Thanks to the girl’s strength, she didn’t grow crooked.” 

Because of what happened to Aletta Rogers, Mr. Hill’s son- in-law felt very uncomfortable, so at this moment, hist attitude towards his grandson’s handling of this matter is also very clear. 


Chapter 168 

BA Couchers 

“You must handle this matter well for me today! Just follow what the girl said, put the video in the employee group, and give her a clean slate! Otherwise, I won’t be your grandson!” 

Mr. Hill’s tone was firm. 

Jason Hill didn’t answer, but felt his heart was being pulled by something, and there was some fine and dense pain, which spread out little by little. 

Aletta Rogers, after Mr. Old left, was ready to go to work. 

All members of the No. 2 research room are extremely curious about the relationship between Aletta Rogers and the Hill Family. 

However, they are not very familiar with Aletta Rogers, so it is not easy to ask. 

Only Lotus Blake was not afraid, and immediately came up to him and asked, ” Ms. Rogers, how did you manage to make the old chairman treat you so special? Why do I feel that he seems to treat you like his own granddaughter? You and President… is it really that kind of relationship?” 

Aletta Rogers couldn’t help but feel amused seeing her gossiping face, “What are you thinking about, Jason Hill and I… don’t have that kind of relationship. As for Mr. Hill, he and my grandparents are good friends, and his old man, They really treat me like their own granddaughter.” 

Lotus Blake suddenly realized, “No wonder! You are indeed the hidden boss of our company! It seems that I have to hold 

Chapter 168 

your thigh tightly from now on!” 

Aletta Rogers was amused by her, nodded and said, “Okay, let you hug!” 

Then she talked about what happened in the restaurant at noon. She felt warm and said, “Noon … Thank you for speaking for me. If you don’t mind in the future, please call me by my name instead of Ms. Rogers.” 

Lotus Blake readily agreed, “OK! Aletta !” 

She called out, and she thought it was easy to say, so she continued, “You’re welcome! I’m just telling the truth! Let’s not say that Gail Rogers and I didn’t get along. Anyone with eyes knows that it’s not your problem! It’s Gail Rogers was a showman and fell on his own. 

I couldn’t see it at the time… Of course, if I knew that you had the support of the old chairman and president, I wouldn’t join in the fun. ” 

Aletta Rogers shook her head. 

Maybe Lotus Blake didn’t understand that even a word of maintenance was so precious to him who was once isolated and helpless. 

So, she really wanted to thank her. 

Lotus Blake didn’t know this, so he continued to gossip, 

“How do you think the higher-ups will deal with the follow- up of this matter? The president should release the video as you said, right?” 

Chapter 161 

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Aletta Rogers responded without thinking, “It should not be released.” 

In the current Hill Group, Jason Hill is in charge and Gail Rogers is the director of the company. If this video is released, the impact may not be very good. 

Mr. Hill can favor himself unconditionally. 


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