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Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets novel Chapter 178

Chapter 178 The Plan Succeeds 

After dinner. 

Jason took the notebook and selected schools for Lucas and Lyla. 

Seeing this, Lucas and Lyla quickly gathered around. 

Lucas said, “Daddy, actually I looked up school information during the day. I think this aristocratic kindergarten called “Happy Kiddos” is very good. They implement multilingual early education and the environment is excellent in all aspects. It suits us well.” 

After listening. Jason searched the internet and found that the kindergarten was indeed good. 

He nodded in agreement and said, “But this one is also good.” 

Lucas leaned closer to the screen. He realized that it was the kindergarten chosen by Otto and Nina. 

How could this be! 

Suppressing his thoughts, Lucas calmly said, “I have also seen this one. Overall, they are similar.” 

“However, Nina and I prefer the kindergarten we mentioned earlier. 

Jason didn’t immediately agree but investigated all aspects. He confirmed the school’s educational quality and the school atmosphere were fine. Then, he said, “Let’s decide to go to that kindergarten.” 

Upon hearing this, they couldn’t help but feel happy. 

The school was very close to Otto and Nina’s kindergarten, making it 

Chapter 178 The Plan Succeeds 

288 Vouchers 

incredibly convenient to meet in the future! 

In the evening. 

After happily taking a bath, Lucas and Lyla sat on the bed and informed their mother. 

“Mommy, daddy decided to let us go to Happy Kiddos Kindergarten! We can see you every day after school!” 

Upon seeing the message, Alta checked the locations of both kindergartens to confirm there were no issues. 

She felt relieved and replied, “I know, I want to see you too.” 

The next morning. 

Jason woke up early. He packed the belongings of Lucas and Lyla and woke them up. He had breakfast with them. Then, he took them to the kindergarten to register. 

Upon arrival. 

As soon as Jason got out of the car, he saw Principal Apple, the principal of Happy Kiddos Kindergarten. Along with a group of teachers welcoming them at the entrance. 

As they walked in, they could hear the warm and enthusiastic welcome from the group. 

“Welcome, Mr. Hill for choosing ‘Happy Kiddos’. Lucas and Nina, hello.” 

Principal Apple greeted them. 

Facing this situation, Jason politely said, “Thank you, Principal Apple, for personally receiving us.” 

Chapter 178 The Plan Succeeds 

“How could it be a bother! Not at all!” 

Facing such a close distance from a man who could almost dominate Kyoto, Principal Apple felt a little nervous However, she expressed respectfully, “Mr. Hill, rest assured. We will take good care of Lucas and Nina ” 

As she spoke, she subconsciously glanced at Lucas and Nina 

Their appearance and cuteness were simply heavenly. 

Her heart was melting 

Jason noticed other parents who were dropping off their children at the kindergarten He said. “They don’t need special treatment Just let them interact with the other children normally” 

“Of course 

Principal Apple quickly responded, “Let’s proceed with the enrollment procedures” 

During the conversation, the group had already entered the kindergarten 

Upon seeing the various facilities in the kindergarten, Lucas and Lyla became a little excited. They couldn’t help but want to run over and play However, they were worried that their father wouldn’t allow it, so they anxiously looked back at him. 

Noticing their expressions, Jason silently smiled and said, “Go ahead but don’t run too fast. Remember to take care of Nina.” 

“Okay, dad.” 

Lucas answered and took Lyla’s hand to have a ride on the swing. 

Chapter 178 The Plan Succeeds 

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After completing the enrollment procedures in the teacher’s office, Jason came out. 

The teachers had already taken Lucas and Lyla into the classroom. 

He stood at the classroom door and waved to them through the glass window. He then left after receiving their response. 

However, he couldn’t bear to go too far. 

Jason was still a little worried about his precious daughter. 

He was afraid that her quiet and introverted nature would make it difficult for her to get along with her classmates. And that, she would be isolated or bullied. 

But later, he realized that his worries were unnecessary. 

Although Lyla still had some reservations, she could get along well with her peers. 

During break time and games, she would actively participate… 

Jason was surprised by his daughter’s change and felt delighted. 

It was indeed beneficial for her to have more interactions with children at her age. 

With this in mind, he finally felt relieved and walked away. 

He left behind two bodyguards who were secretly watching them. 

Lucas had been secretly observing. After seeing his father leave, he let out a sigh of relief! 

Lyla saw this and couldn’t help but ask, “Lucas, can I stop pretending 


Chapter 178 The Plan Succeeds 

288 Wour hers. 

Not being able to speak was one thing. But having to refuse so many invitations to play games with the other children was suffocating her! 

Lucas thought for a moment and whispered, “You can loosen up a bit, but not too much, or dad will suspect something.” 


Lyla reluctantly agreed. 

Then she thought of something and enthusiastically said, “Lucas, quickly tell mommy that we’ve started school! And ask her if she wants to come and see us later? I miss mommy!” 

Lucas also missed Alta, so he agreed naturally. 

He found an opportunity and called Alta with his watch. He said, “Mommy, both of us miss you. After school today, can you come and see us?” 

Upon receiving the call and hearing the familiar cute voice, Alta’s heart melted. She immediately said, “Okay, I’ll come and see you after you finish school!” 

After finalizing the plan, they hung up the phone. They eagerly looked forward to the end of the school day and their mommy’s arrival. 

However, Lyla suddenly experienced an unexpected situation in the afternoon! 

Shortly after finishing lunch, her stomach started feeling uncomfortable. 

Initially, it wasn’t too severe, just occasional pains that would subside quickly. 


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