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Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets novel Chapter 180

Chapter 180 Feeding My Wife 

Lyla didn’t look too good. She appeared weak and lacked her usual liveliness. 

Her chubby little face was slightly pale. There was a hint of sadness in her eyes when she saw Alta. 

Her beautiful eyes stared directly at Alta. 

Alta knew that Lyla was acting spoiled. 

Every time she fell ill, she liked to stick to her. 

Taking a moment to compose herself, Alta directly asked Jason, “Do you need any help?” 

Although Jason didn’t ask for her help, his brows furrowed tightly. 

He was puzzled by Alta’s attitude. 

Why was she… behaving this way? 

Shouldn’t she know that this was her child? 

But why did she seem like it was their first meeting? 

Jason’s gaze turned colder as he tried to see through Alta. His words were icy as he spoke, “Ms. Rogers, you don’t need to bother.” 

However, at this moment, Lyla in his arms reached out her hand towards Alta. 

In a sweet and innocent voice, she said, “I want to be hugged.” 

Chapter 180 Feeding My Wife 

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With innocent eyes fixed on Alta, like she would cry if she didn’t get hugged. 

Seeing the look in her daughter’s eyes, Alta couldn’t help but feel heartbroken. She didn’t care about anything else and immediately picked her up. 

Lyla affectionately nestled in her mother’s arms. She rubbed her little head against her mother. 

It was so nice to be held by mommy! 

Lyla found a comfortable position and leaned against her mother. 

Feeling her daughter’s dependence on her, Alta’s heart melted. She instinctively hugged her tighter before examining her daughter’s body. 

Her body temperature was a bit high, not severe but not mild either…. 

Alta looked up and asked Jason, “Has she not taken any medicine yet?” 

Jason finally regained his voice, which carried a cold tone. He said, “She had an IV earlier Her stomach is not feeling well, so she hasn’t taken any medicine yet. She only drinks some hot water.” 

Alta nodded after listening and turned to Eaton beside her. She said, “Can I trouble you to buy some porridge? She needs to eat something before taking the medicine.” 

A child’s digestive system was more delicate than an adult’s, especially when she came to the hospital today because of stomach problems. She shouldn’t take medicine on an empty stomach. 

“Sure, I’ll go right away.” 

Eaton agreed without hesitation. 

Chapter 180 Feeding My Wife 

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However, before leaving, Jason called him back. 

“Also, buy dinner on your way back. It’s mealtime, and Otto needs to 

eat too.” 

Upon hearing this, Lucas discreetly glanced at his father. 

He thought his father would forget about him. 

Knowing that he hadn’t been forgotten, he couldn’t help but feel an indescribable feeling in his heart. 

Eaton got the instructions and then left directly. 

In about ten minutes, the porridge was bought. 

Jason stood up to help and handed one portion to Lucas, saying, “This one is yours, eat it yourself.” 


Lucas took it indifferently. He was not a child who needed to be fed! 

The porridge was still hot. Jason opened it and scooped a spoonful. He blew on it to cool it down, and coaxed, “Nina, be obedient, have some 

food first.” 

Lyla nestled in her mother’s arms. This time cooperating well, she obediently opened her mouth and ate it. 

Alta watched the man’s actions in front of her, slightly distracted. 

She had never seen Jason so gentle before. 

She quietly watched him feed Lyla until she had eaten about half a bowl, then spoke up. 

“That’s enough. If we feed her too much with her weak stomach, it will 

Chapter 180 Feeding 

My Wife 

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be hard for her to digest.” 

Jason coldly nodded and put down the porridge. He turned around to get the medicine she hadn’t taken. 

Alta took the medical initiative and coaxed Lyla into her arms. She said, “When you’re sick, you have to take medicine, otherwise you won’t get better and your body will still feel uncomfortable. After you finish the medicine, I’ll reward you with candy, okay?” 

After all, she had raised her since she was a child. She knew how to coax Lyla. 

Lyla obediently nodded, and Alta began to feed her the medicine. 

The level of cooperation from the child surprised Eaton who was standing beside them. 

Jason also noticed. 

Alta was familiar with taking care of children and coaxing them, like she had done it many times before. 

Thinking about it, she also had a child at home, so it could be understood. 

However, he was equally surprised. 

To see this woman who I had just met, to be so intimate with his daughter. 

It was completely different from her attitude towards other women around him. 

Jason couldn’t help but wonder, was this the bond of blood? The nature between mother and daughter? 

Chapter 150 Feeding My 

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Alta didn’t notice Jason’s scrutiny. After feeding the little girl, she immediately took out a milk candy from her pocket. 

Lyla’s eyes lit up when she saw the candy. She wanted to tear up the wrapper as soon as she got it. 

She was stopped by Alta, “You can’t eat it now. You’re still sick. Keep the candy for later when you’re better.” 

Upon hearing this, Lyla pouted in disappointment. Her checks puffed up, looking particularly cute. 

Alta resisted the urge to poke her, and asked, “Do you want to take a nap now?” 

Lyla didn’t say anything, but tightly gripped Alta’s clothes, clearly not wanting her to leave. She wanted her mother to stay with her. 

Jason noticed the child’s dependence on Alta. He furrowed his brows for a moment, but quickly relaxed them. 

He said to Alta, “If you have something to do, you can go back first.” 

The meaning was that he was here, and the child could take care of himself. 


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