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Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets novel Chapter 190

Chapter 190 Both of Them Had a Sleepless Night 

Jason collected his thoughts and said to Daisy, “Come to think of it, I have never seen Alta’s two children.” 

“If I remember correctly… They should only be three or four years old, right? At this age, can they write such good characters?” 

Daisy’s heart skipped a beat. 

She subconsciously glanced at the calligraphy scrolls. She remembered that Alta had instructed her not to casually reveal anything about the two little ones. 

Especially to this sir in front of her. 

At the moment, she was unsure whether Jason had become suspicious. She quickly explained, “The child is over four years old, and she indeed wrote it.” 

“Ms. Rogers hires a professional calligraphy teacher, who is said to be a famous person. That’s why she can practice so well. 

I don’t understand much about these things. I generally take care of daily life matters. If Mr. Hill has any doubts, it’s better to ask Ms. Rogers later, right?” 

“As for our Little Miss, she’s already asleep now. If you’re interested, you can meet her next time when there’s an opportunity.” 

Chapter 190 Both of Them Had a Sleepless Night 

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Upon hearing these words, Jason began to scrutinize her. Like he wanted to know the truth behind her words. 

His gaze was cold and sharp, filled with intensity. 

Daisy felt her heart pounding, and her hair stood on end. She was afraid of being discovered. 

At that moment, Alta suddenly sat up coincidentally. She drew the attention of both of them. 

Her cheeks still had a hint of blush from intoxication. She took a step but stumbled. 

Daisy quickly went over and supported her, asking, “Why did you get up?” 

Alta shook her head uncomfortably. She spoke in a dazed manner, like talking to herself, “It’s hot, I want to take a bath.” 

As she spoke, she reached out and haphazardly pulled at her clothes. She still appeared completely drunk. 

Daisy stopped her actions and agreed repeatedly, “Okay, okay, I’ll take you. Let’s go take a bath right away.’ 

Then, she hurriedly turned to Jason, apologizing slightly, “I’m sorry, Mr. Hill, I can’t entertain you.” 

After glancing at the woman who was still pulling at her clothes, Jason could only temporarily suppress his suspicions. He calmly said, “It’s fine, you’re busy.” 

With that, he turned and left. 

Chapter 190 Both of Them Had a Sleepless Night 

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As soon as she heard the door close, Alta, who was previously making a scene, quickly regained her clarity. Her expression became somewhat serious as she asked, “I hope he didn’t notice anything just now, right?” 

“Ms. Rogers?” 

Daisy looked at her in surprise and asked, “You’re awake?” 

Alta nodded. 

On the way back, she had rested her eyes for a while. Hence, she was feeling much better, although her head was still a little dizzy. 

Moreover, she had been pretending to be asleep while Jason was carrying her to avoid any awkwardness. 

Just now, when she suddenly heard Jason’s question, she was scared sober. She was so worried that Daisy would reveal something. Thus, she decided to “act drunk” and bluff her way through. 

However, she didn’t know whether the man believed it or not… 

Alta couldn’t help but feel a bit regretful and slapped her forehead. 

She had been careless. It was her fault for drinking in the first place. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been caught by Jason. 

The calligraphy written by Nina had her own style. 

Now, seeing such a similar one, Jason would definitely 

Chapter 190 Both of Them Had a Sleepless Night 

suspect if he wasn’t foolish. 

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Alta was full of unease, afraid that her secret would be discovered. She had a sleepless night… 

As Jason returned home, various clues from the past kept playing in his mind. 

For example, every time he visited, Alta seemed very nervous. She deliberately prevented him from seeing the children. 

But he couldn’t understand Alta’s intentions for doing so. 

Even if she really had a child with someone else, he already knew, so why hid it and not let him see? 

The more he thought about it, the tighter Jason furrowed his brow! 

He had a feeling that he might have overlooked something important. 

But he couldn’t figure it out for the time being… 

Upon returning to the Hill Villa, instead of going to his room, he went straight to the study and found the calligraphy Nina had written recently… 

The previously messy and distorted handwriting was gone 


However, the font had undergone significant changes and looked completely different from before. 

Jason stared at the writing in his hand, and his frown 

43 725. 

Chapter 190 Both of Them Had a Sleepless Night 


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That night, he also rarely had trouble sleeping and didn’t sleep well. 

The next morning, after getting up, Jason didn’t rush out but sat on the sofa reading financial newspapers. 

When Lucas went downstairs, he was surprised to see that his father hadn’t gone to work. He asked curiously, “Daddy, aren’t you going to work today?” 

Jason glanced at the little one and replied, “It’s Saturday today, no need to rush out.” 

Lucas nodded and didn’t ask any more questions. He took Lyla to have breakfast. 

Later in the day, Mr. Tyson came over. 

Since the two little ones were attending school, these lessons naturally moved to the weekend. 

When Jason walked past them while they were practicing calligraphy, he intentionally glanced over. His gaze focused on his daughter’s writing. 

The two little ones knew that their father was watching them and felt a little nervous. 

This morning, their mother called and gave them a heads up. She said that their father might become suspicious and advised them to be careful. 

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true. 

Chapter 190 Both of Them Had a Sleepless Night 

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Lyla was nervous, and suddenly she heard Jason speak, “Lyla, I remember your previous writing, it wasn’t like this…” 

Jason picked up a piece of calligraphy she had just finished and examined it closely. 

Lyla’s heart raced rapidly upon hearing this. 

But she kept a calm expression on her little face and quickly wrote on the paper. She replied, “Because I wanted to try a different font.” 

Her words aroused Jason’s suspicion. 

He stared at the little girl and asked, “Your previous font was pretty good, why did you want to change it? Can you still write in the original font now?” 

Lucas, who was beside them, heard this and nervously sweated for Lyla. 

Lyla nodded, pretending to be calm. 

Jason laid out a new piece of paper for her and said, “Write something for daddy to see.” 


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