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Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets novel Chapter 195

Chapter 195 No One Doesn’t Believe You 

Upon hearing this, Rohan couldn’t help but be startled. His face changed slightly. 

“But CEO…” He tried to say something else. 

However, Jason had already lost his patience and coldly said, “Leave! I will make the decision regarding this matter.” 

Cold sweat broke out on Rohan’s forehead, and his whole body trembled. 

Eaton, who was standing by, saw that he was clueless and had no sense of self-preservation, so he walked over. 

“Manager Rohan, let’s go. 

The look in his eyes as he glanced at Rohan carried a hint of warning. 

Rohan understood and didn’t dare to say more, so he could only retreat. 

Soon, only Alta and Jason were left in the office. 

Alta felt somewhat surprised by Jason’s words just now. 

She looked at Jason, her eyes evaluating. 

What did this man mean by the things he said to Rohan? 

Did he trust her? 


Chapter 195 No One Doesn’t Believe You 

At the thought of “trust,” Alta denied it to herself. 

That couldn’t be the case. 

18388 Vouchers 

This man probably just didn’t trust the Williams Group. 

Thinking of this possibility, she smiled wryly and then raised her head. She coldly askes Jason, “Can I leave now?” 

Jason looked at her ever-changing expressions and her indifferent tone, realizing Alta’s misunderstanding. 

He frowned slightly, rare for him, and explained, “I didn’t mean to not trust you when I called you over just now…” 

But Alta didn’t want to hear his explanation. She interrupted him, coldly responding, “Whether Mr. Hill trusts me or not is not important to me, nor do I care. I have conducted myself properly. If you insist that I did something, then go find evidence!” 

After saying that, she didn’t wait for Jason to say anything else. She turned around to leave the CEO’s office directly. 

Back in Research Lab 2, Alta’s face remained gloomy. 

Lotus anxiously paced in the lab, worrying about Alta. 

When she saw Alta return, she hurriedly approached her and asked, “Alta, are you alright? What did the CEO want you to do?” 

Alta was in a bad mood. She didn’t know how to explain in the face of Lotus’s concern. She could only shake her head 


Chapter 105 No One Doesn’t Believe You 

and say, “I’m fine, it’s nothing!” 

Seeing her expression, Lotus felt that the situation didn’t seem like it was nothing. 

But since Altai didn’t say more, she didn’t press further. She offered her some comfort and returned to her own. 


Alta, with a sense of responsibility, continued to focus on her work. 

However, half an hour later, two police officers suddenly arrived at Research Lab 2. 

“Why are the police here?” 

One colleague was the first to notice and asked nearby. 

Alta looked up and also saw them. 

The leading officer spoke first and asked, “Excuse me, is Alta here?” 

Alta’s heart sank, a bad premonition rising again. 

Her eyes darkened. She stood up from her workstation and replied, “That’s me.” 

As soon as she spoke, everyone’s gaze shifted to her. 

“Officer, do you have any business with me?” 

Alta asked calmly, trying to maintain a composed expression. 

Chapter 195 No One Doesn’t Believe You 

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The police officer walked towards her, wearing a serious expression and said, “Indeed, we do have something to discuss with you! It’s like this… we received a report stating that you stole the company’s perfume formula and sold it. So, we hope you can come with us to cooperate with the investigation.” 

The police officer’s voice was not low. The once quiet Research Lab 2 became noisy due to his words. 

Everyone looked at Alta in shock, their eyes filled with disbelief. 

Lotus’s face also changed. She hurriedly walked over to speak for Alta, “Officer, is there some mistake? How could Alta do such a thing?” 

She was the developer of perfume improvement! 

How could she possibly sell the formula? 

However, the police officer told her, “There’s no mistake. We indeed received a report stating that Ms. Rogers betrayed Hill Group’s secrets.” 

“It’s impossible!” Lotus instinctively defended Alta. Her expression showed signs of worry and said, “There must be a misunderstanding!” 

Although she had only recently met Alta, she had some understanding of her character. 

Lotus believed that Alta was not the type of person to abandon morality for money. 

However, the current situation couldn’t be resolved with just Lotus’s claim of a misunderstanding. 

“We will further confirm whether it’s her or not,” the police. officer said impartially. 

Alta pressed her lips tightly, her face turning somewhat cold. 

However, she remained calm and composed, without any panic. She responded, “Officer, I don’t know who filed the report regarding the sale of the formula. I did not do it. I have already discussed the matter with the CEO of Hill Group. If you want me to cooperate with the investigation, it’s fine, but you need to provide evidence as a prerequisite!” 

Alta’s tone was firm and resolute. 

The colleagues looked at her with eyes that carried a hint of agreement. 

Everyone present had worked with Alta and didn’t quite believe she could be that kind of person. 

However, the police officer said to Alta, “Evidence has been collected, and you are currently the most suspicious person, so we need your cooperation. Rest assured, we never wrong anyone. If it is proven that you are not the culprit, we will definitely release you.” 

Alta shook her head, logically stating, “So you’re saying that you don’t have absolute evidence yet, right?” 


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