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Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Don’t Push Me! 

As Jason heard about it, he didn’t know what was touched. His face became a bit ugly. Meanwhile, Jenny barely suppressed her anger and tried to calm her down. 

“Jason, Gail has been waiting for you for so many years, how long do you want her to wait? She also has a limit. All I 

know is she wants to be with you, and now, you want to drag her down for the rest of her life?” 

Jason frowned deeply as he didn’t like listening to what his mother said. He coldly replied, “You don’t need to worry about me and Gail. I have my own plan.” 

“And what plan is it?” Jenny couldn’t help but asked, “It’s nothing more than procrastination. I don’t like you being like this, okay? You must find a time right away to set a wedding date with Gail. If you won’t, I’ll go to Rogers’ house and make an appointment for you myself!” 

Speaking of the latter, Jenny’s tone was undeniable. 

Jason seemed to extremely be patient. He raised his eyelids indifferently and eventually said, “Then let me tell you, Mom. Do not interfere in my marriage. Whoever my wife is, I will decide it by myself.” 

After he ended up his line, he got up and walked straight to the door. On the other hand, it turned out that Gail was holding a plate of cut fruits outside the study room. Her fingers tightly gripped the porcelain plate and became red 

because of too much force. 

The woman originally wanted to find the right time to go in. However, she couldn’t find the opportunity and ended up waiting until the tense conversation was done. She finally realized that Jason did not agree to marry her and she still kept wondering why. 

Gail felt a burst of sadness in her heart. She looked at Jason and yelled aggrievedly at him as he came out, “Jason.” 

Unfortunately, Jason didn’t even give her the corner of his eye. He completely ignored her and left without looking back. 

Jenny chased him out of the study, but she was surprised to find Gail at the door, “Gail, when did you come?” The woman noticed the tears in Gail’s eyes and immediately understood that Gail heard everything. Jenny quickly comforted her, “Oh, Gail, I’m sorry. Don’t take it to heart, okay? He didn’t mean what he said.” 

Gail lowered her head and looked miserable. She sobbed a little and said, “Maybe it’s because I’m not good enough. 

Jenny quickly interrupted her words. “What nonsense are you talking about?” she took her hand and patted it to show encouragement, “You are the best wife for him. If you’re not good, then who’s it? Do you think Aletta deserves it? No. She doesn’t deserve it at all.” 

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When Gail heard the name, she felt it was extremely harsh, and her heart was instantly ignited with anger. For some reason, she felt that part of Jason’s refusal to engage in marriage was because of that woman. 

Gail hated the name so much, and even if she had kept it for six full years, it was plain to see. 

Her eyes were suddenly gloomy, and she immediately blamed Aletta for the grievances of the past six years. 

She thought, ‘How dare you appear again, Aletta? Don’t you remember such a mess back then? Since you’re so ignorant, then don’t blame me if I let you disappear once again.’ 

In the meantime, the two women didn’t notice that at the corner of the corridor not far away, Otto was frowning delicately with the same cold expression as Jason on his face. The man was suddenly lost in his own thoughts. 

‘So, even if Daddy refused to marry Gail, Grandma would do anything to force Daddy. After all this time, I have no idea where Mom is, but now I know she’s still alive. I can’t just watch Daddy and Gail get engaged.” 

Otto couldn’t help but feel melancholy. If his mom and daddy hadn’t divorced back then, it would have been great. He and Nina could have grown up together with their other siblings. He then came to the idea that perhaps he could find a way to match the two of them. 


Although his dad was sometimes a little unreasonable, he still cared for himself and Nina so much. If he left him and went to his mom’s side, he was actually a bit reluctant. While thinking, he wandered to the door of Jason’s room. Coincidentally, Jason’s voice sounded from inside the door, “Find out why Aletta refused to cooperate. 

Eaton, on the other side, never thought that Jason would be so persistent with Aletta. He hesitated again and again, but he still said, “Sir, I’m afraid that the reason why she refused may have something to do with Ms. Rogers.” 

When Otto heard this, he couldn’t help but stop and pricked up his ears to listen. ‘Are they talking about Mom?’ 

Jason’s mind was deeply lost in the image of Aletta’s delicate face. He was a bit confused and asked, “How is it so?” 

Eaton said truthfully, “That day, you said that the price of cooperating with ZL Company was to treat Gail’s legs. Back then, Miss Aletta had conflicts with Gail because of this. Someone said she pushed her, but someone else said that she didn’t. Now that Ms. Gail is working under Ms. Aletta, they must be in conflict. It’s normal for Ms. Aletta to refuse.” 

After Jason thought about it, he felt that the reason was very likely. 

Eaton looked at him and thought for a while. He then said, “Actually, we can easily fix it.” Jason looked over and 


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