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Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74. Tell Gail Rogers to F**k 

788 Vouchers 

“Just… to socialize, I accidentally drank a little too much.” 

Eaton Brown responded vaguely. 

After all, the young master and young lady were still on the sidelines, so he didn’t want to say much, so he changed the subject,” Mr. White, do me a favor, help me up the stairs.” 


Ray White went over to give him a hand. 

Lyla and Lucas, after looking at each other, both saw the helplessness in each other’s eyes. 

This daddy is really worrying! 

Complaints belong to complaints, but the two children still went to the housekeeper with a good conscience. 

“Grandpa, please help me prepare a bowl of hangover soup and send it to daddy’s room.” 

Forber responded with a smile, “Okay, young master. 


After giving the order, the two children went upstairs to visit daddy. 

However, as soon as he walked to the door, he heard the conversation between Ray White and Eaton Brown. 

Ray White had just seen Eaton Brown’s embarrassment. 

At this moment, the two little ones were not around, so he immediately asked, “Tell me, what’s going on? Jason is usually self-disciplined and doesn’t drink much. He’s never 


Chapter 74 Tell Gail Rogers to F**k 

had anything like this before. Something must have. happened!” 

Eaton Brown didn’t hide it from Ray White, sighed, and told what happened to them in the hospital today. 

Including the resolute words Aletta Rogers said at the hospital gate. 

Ray White frowned and loosened, “Co-authoring is what it is.” 

He looked at the person lying on the bed, and he couldn’t understand what Jason was doing. 

Eaton Brown is still saying, “Actually, Miss Aletta misunderstood. I didn’t defend Gail Rogers at the time. On the contrary, I defended Miss Aletta several times. But today, Miss Aletta seems to be stimulated … ” 

The voice in the room came intermittently. 

The two children were outside, listening worriedly, and at the same time couldn’t control their anger! 

Unexpectedly, those bad guys even chased after her to the hospital to bully mommy! 

It seems that the lesson given in the box that night was not enough, so they were allowed to continue to be demons. 

Lucas wished he could beat up all the instigators! 

Originally, the relationship between mommy and daddy was not good, but after being disturbed by them, it is even worse now! 

Chapter 74 Tell Gail Rogers to F**k 

If this continues, their relationship will definitely become more and more distant! 

Lucas decided to find a way to solve this matter… 

But right now, let’s solve the problem of the sc um bag daddy getting drunk first. 

The two children did not continue to eavesdrop, they opened the door openly and went in. 

Ray White and Eaton Brown, hearing the movement, immediately stopped talking. 

“How is daddy now?” 

After Lucas entered the door, he asked the two of them. 

“It’s nothing serious, just drunk, don’t worry.” 

Ray White said to the child. 

Lucas nodded, pulled Lyla, and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at daddy’s sleeping face, very obedient. 

After a while, Shepard cooked the hangover soup and served it. 

Jason Hill was fed and drank some, wiped his body again, and had his medicine changed for his hand injury, and he didn’t wake up the whole time. 

Aletta Rogers fell asleep and didn’t wake up until the next morning. 


Tell Gail Rogers to F**k 

1 288 Vouchers 

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw two pink and tender little balls sleeping next to him. 

The sleeping face is cute and innocent, Aletta Rogers’ heart melted when he saw it, and he couldn’t hold back and hugged the two of them. 

The two children didn’t sleep deeply. They were woken up by Aletta Rogers, and they were confused for a while. When they saw her smile, their eyes lit up instantly. 

“Good morning mommy!” 

Otto’s childish greeting. 

“Good morning baby.” 

Aletta Rogers rubbed their fat baby cheeks like a cat, in a good mood. 

Otto didn’t resist mommy’s touch at all, and asked, ” Is mommy feeling better today?” 

“much better.” 

When I woke up, I regained my vitality, and now I am full of 


“That’s good.” 

The two children breathed a sigh of relief. 

G o d knows how worried they were when they saw mommy not feeling well last night. 

“Okay, let’s get up.” 

Chapter 74 Tell Gail Rogers to F**k 

288 (Vouchers 

Aletta Rogers picked up the two children and went to the bathroom together. 

Downstairs, Daisy has already made breakfast. 

When Aletta Rogers went downstairs, she found Flora Smith there. 

“Alta, are you okay?” 

Seeing Aletta Rogers go downstairs, Flora Smith asked with concern, “If you are tired, you can rest at home. My 

mother’s surgery was successful. From today, I can go back to the company to work normally.” 

Aletta Rogers shook her head, “I’m fine, I won’t delay work.” 

After every operation, she has to have a big sleep, which is her habit all the time. 

Get enough sleep and you’ll be fine! 

Seeing what Aletta Rogers said, Flora Smith didn’t say anything more. 

Several people finished breakfast quietly together. 

After the end, Aletta Rogers arranged for the two children to stay at home obediently, and she went out with Flora Smith. 

After the two got into the car, Flora Smith found the opportunity to ask, ” Alta, what did he say to you after Jason Hill chased you out yesterday? I saw you holding hands together, so you didn’t go there. He didn’t bully you, did he?” 

Aletta Rogers was stunned, pretending to be calm, and 

said, “It’s nothing, he didn’t bully me, it was me, I just made things clear … ” 

Regarding what happened yesterday, Aletta Rogers didn’t. want to mention it again. She told Flora Smith, “I will focus on the research institute’s affairs in the future, and Hill Group’s affairs. It’s up to you to negotiate.” 

Flora Smith saw that her good friend was determined not to have any more contact with that group of people, and she thought it was fine. 

She nodded, “Don’t worry, I won’t let those things bother you again.” 


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