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Ex-husband Unmasked He’s a Billionaire novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56 

What? Timothy was late because he was busy preparing a gift for Cameron and Dakota

The crowd widened their eyes

Madison was dumbfounded. She was not expecting this answer from Timothy! Why would Timothy side with that goodfornothing Cameron?” 

You seem unhappy with my answer.Timothy’s low voice sounded

NoI’m notMadison snapped back to her senses and stared at Timothy with a terrified gaze

She didn’t dare to rebel against Timothy

Then hurry up and sit down. Stop ruining the banquet,Timothy hissed with annoyance

Yes, Mr. DashnerMadison plopped down on her chair. Her mind was buzzing, and Archie, who was sitting beside her, was also speechless

The room fell silent, and everyone sat frozen like statues

Amidst the silence, Timothy turned to Cameron and Dakota. His gaze softened. I hope they didn’t ruin your mood, Mr. Morgan, Ms. Jennings.” 

Nonot at all. Thank you, Mr. Dashner.Dakota snapped back from her shock

She knew all along that Timothy didn’t throw this banquet for Madison. But she never expected him. to stand up for them. He had even prepared a gift for her and Cameron!” 

You’re most welcome, Ms. Jennings.Timothy smiled and secretly sighed a breath of relief

He was glad that Cameron and Dakota didn’t take this to heart

Of course, Timothy’s actions did not escape the watchful gazes of Stella and the others. They sucked in a deep breath

Who exactly was Cameron? Why was Timothy, one of Yrando’s infamous figures, treating Cameron with such respect? He even prepared Cameron a gift

However, Timothy didn’t find any of his actions strange. If anything, he felt that this small banquet that he put together last minute was unworthy of someone like Cameron

Right! The gift for Cameron and Dakota

Timothy’s heart raced when he remembered the gift

Cars and mansions were nothing to Cameron. Because of this, Timothy had made the effort to come up with a unique gift. He was sure that Cameron would be pleased by it

Mr. Morgan, Ms. Jennings I have prepared a gift for you,said Timothy. His tone reflected his confidence in his gift

  1. pte 36 

Thank you.Dakota pushed down her excitement while Cameron merely nodded

Timothy immediately waved his hand and shouted to the people outside, Hey! Bring the gift inside! Remember to be careful with it!” 

Yes, Mr. Dashner!said the men outside


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