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Ex-husbands love novel (Sharon and Fameson) novel Chapter 177

Below the apartment building, Trey stood beside the car and answered the phone.

Sometime, Tiffany's voice came from behind, "Trey."

Trey whispered to the other end of the phone, "Well, that's all."

Trey put away his phone and turned around.

When he saw Sharon, Trey startled slightly.

Seeing this, Tiffany raised her eyebrows.

That was really what she wanted to see.

Sharon smiled at him apologetically, "Sorry to have kept you waiting."

Hearing this, Trey regained his senses and said, "No, it's fine ...I haven't been here for a long time either."

Tiffany grinned, "Then let's go.The concert is about to begin."

Trey nodded, "Get in."

On the way to the concert, it was Tiffany who was talking to Trey to break the ice.

Sharon rolled down the window and felt the fresh air outside.

The sun today was bright.

Compared to the past few chilly days, it was much warmer.

Seeing Sharon looking out of the window, Tiffany moved closer to Trey and whispered, "Trey, can I ask you a question?"

Trey replied, "Go ahead."

Tiffany asked, "Have you ever been in love in the past few years?"

Trey probably didn't expect her to ask this question, so he was stunned for a moment before replying, "No."


Trey looked through the rearview mirror at the girl lying by the window and smiled, "Maybe I haven't encountered a suitable one."

Tiffany asked in a meaningful tone, "Haven't you met a suitable one? Maybe you have had a beloved one now."

This time, Trey did not answer, nor did he know how to answer.

He had indeed liked Sharon since he was a student.

However, at that time, everyone said that Sharon and Martin would be the best couple, and he also admitted that it was true.

He had always thought that they would get married.

Therefore, he had never thought of becoming Sharon's boyfriend or husband, but he heard that Martin actually got engaged to Erica.

However, there was no news of Sharon at that time.

He came to participate in the class reunion with an intention that he wanted to see Sharon.

Seeing Trey keep silent, Tiffany knew that Trey indeed loved Sharon and encouraged, "If you like a girl, you must seize the opportunity and take a brave step."

Trey hesitated for a moment and said, "But I don't know what she thinks of me."

He was afraid that if he confessed his love, he wouldn't even be able to be a friend of hers.

Tiffany said, "Anyway, she doesn't have a boyfriend now.You can have a try."

Trey didn't know what to say.

He turned around and looked at Tiffany in surprise.

Trey probably didn't expect her to guess his mind.

Tiffany raised her chin at Trey, stole a glance at Sharon and then said in a low voice, "Don't worry, I will help you."

Trey thought for a moment before nodding, "Alright."

There was a traffic jam on the road.

It was already dark when they arrived at the concert hall.

Tiffany saw so many people and exclaimed, "Trey, isn't your friend a great guy?"

Trey smiled, "Yes, he is quite an awesome guy.He has won several international music awards."

When Trey parked the car, Tiffany nudged Sharon and said, "Hey, did you hear what I said to Trey in the car just now?"

Sharon was a little confused, "What did you say?"

When she was in the car, Sharon was in a daze all the time.

She really didn't hear what they said.


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