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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M novel Chapter 137



Chapter 0137 

I’m not giving up mommy. I told you, I want you and dad together and I always get what I wantDetermination was etched in his voice as he said the words

at this te 

I sigh. my love” 

Silence falls upon us as we drive. Soon enough, we get to the upscale neighborhood that my parents were 

currently residing in

I pull up to the electronic gates. After imputing the passcode on the small touch screen located on the side, the gates open. Theo had given me the passcode in case I ever wanted to come visit them

We drive along the small road that was lined with trees. It was about a five minute drive before you got to 

the huge beautiful house

Wow, this is awesome. It’s even more impressive than grandma and grandpa’s houseNoah says 

referring to Rowan’s parentshouse

I grin. He was going to be surprised when I tell him that this was also his grandparent’s house

I park the car in front of the manicured garden. After switching it off, we get out. I take his hand and 

slowly start walking towards the house

Noah’s eyes darted everywhere. His eyes taking in as much as he can. Excitement and awe was written 

all over his face

Before I can ring the doorbell, the door opens and a butler greets us

Welcome madam and young sirhe says politely, his hands behind his back. If you follow me, I’ll take you to them. They’re waiting for you

We follow him silently. The inside of the house was just as impressive as the outside. Everything just screamed wealth and elegance

We find Nora and Theo seated in the living room. The moment she sees us, Nora stands up and rushes towards us. Pulling me into a hug before doing the same with Noah, who freezes in shock

Let the boy go Nora darling. You’re probably suffocating the boyTheo says in an amused voice

So sorry Noahshe says to Noah before turning to me. I just never thought that you’d come or give us a chance. I’m so happy that you’re here.” 

Before I can say anything. Noah cuts in. As always he’s direct. Cutting straight to the point

Excuse me Mrs. But who are you?he asks, his grey eyes piercing both Nora and Theo

Nora seems off balance for a bit, but Theo looks proud at Noah’s directness

Noah, I want you to meet my parents, your grandparents, Nora and Theo HowellI watch him closely. Looking at how he will react to the news

I’m confusedhe says with a frown on his face. Aren’t Ma and Pa your parents?” 

Not my biological parents. I was adopted by them. You know what adoption means right?I ask as

kneel in front of him… 

He nods Yes, it’s when a mother and father take in a baby that isn’t their own and raises them” 


But where were they? Why did they let Ma and Pa adopt you? Didn’t they want you?he pauses his face 

going hard. If they didn’t want you then I don’t want anything to do with them” 

My heart swells with so much love for my baby boy. That he was willing to reject anyone that didn’t want 

me meant everything to me


kneels down beside us and takes Noah into her arms. We did want your mom. We just thought she 

had died when she was a baby. We didn’t know that someone had stolen her from the hospital and lied to 


I watch as Noah tries to process what he was being told. He turns to me. Silently asking if what she said 


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