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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M novel Chapter 144

Chapter 0144 

Noah, are you done with your homework?I call, but I don’t get an answer

It was Friday afternoon and I was dead tired on my feet. I had forgotten when you’re pregnant how easily you get tired. Every single thing tired me out

The only thing I’m grateful for is that I never experienced morning sickness unlike when I was pregnant 

with Noah

Noah?I call him again

I wonder what the hell he is doing. I usually get an answer immediately. Unless something has caught his 

attention and distracted him

Before I can carry my tired body to go upstairs to check on him, my doorbell rings

I release a heavy sigh. It’s not that I didn’t want to see anybody, I just wanted to take a break. Maybe have a long bath

I spent the whole day at the Hope Foundation going through tons of documents that needed my attention. My eyes were dry, My mind was burnt out and my body was aching all over

Dragging myself, I open my door and I am surprised to find Calvin and Gunner at my doorstep. It’s been 

two days since that day in my backyard

When Gunner didn’t show up when Noah got back from school, I assumed that maybe Calvin didn’t want anything to do with us. After all, he was really grumpy during our whole encounter

Hishock was clearly in my voice and I couldn’t hide it

Hi Miss AvaGunner tells me sweetly with a smile. These are for you” 

It’s then that I notice he has a bouquet of flowers. Pink roses to be exact. He hands them to me and I take 

them gratefully

Thank you Gunner. These are beautifulWithout thinking, I bend down and kiss his cheeks

When I straighten, he gives me a shy smile. Just like with Noah, I could already tell that Gunner was

sweet boy

Ishift my eyes to his father, Would you like to come in?” 

He looks hesitant at first, but when Gunner pulls his hand, he agrees

I lead them straight to the kitchen where I had been baking cookies and cupcakes. Noah had requested for them and though I was tired, I couldn’t refuse him

You’re just in time to eat some goodnessI tell them as the oven timer pings

I look for a vase and place the beautiful flowers Gunner brought me

NoahI call again as I place some cookies in front of our guests

I’m coming mommyhe shouts back

I hear his bedroom door close. Then his footsteps as he runs down the hallway and then the stairs

Seconds later, he breaks through the kitchen door. He comes to a stop when he sees that we have 


ding next to

  1. me

Come, my love. I want you to meet someonehe hesitantly takes a step until he’s standing 

Noah is a bit shy at first glance. That is before you get to know him better. When he sheds his shyness

you won’t even believe that he’s the same boy. He’ll talk your ear off

Noah, this here is Gunner. He lives next door and Gunner, this is my son Noah. He’s the one I was telling 

you about” 

If I’m being honest, I thought things will be awkward between them at first, but I am wrong

Gunner smiles Hi” 

Wanna play in my room?” Noah asks at the same time


With that, Noah grabs a bunch of cookies and hands them to Gunner. Then he goes to the pantry and get a couple of juice boxes

ey walk 


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