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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M novel Chapter 148


Chapter 0148 

My head was swirling with the new revelation. I always thought my love for Emma was eternal. Realizing that it wasn’t, was doing things to my head and heart

Imove quickly and sit down next to Noah. Now more than ever I wanted this whole thing over. I was desperate to get out of here. Already feeling like my skin was crawling

What were you talking about with Emma?Noah asks the moment I sit down

The disdain in his voice is very clear. No one needed to be told twice that the woman I had planned to spend the rest of my life with was his least favorite person

This hate is another thing that made me put a pause on my relationship with Emma. How could I date her? How could I be with her when my son clearly hates her? How could I consider a relationship with her 

when she also doesn’t seem to like Noah?” 

Based on the things she said about him. It’s clear she resents him for either being Ava’s son or being the 

reason I had to marry Ava. Maybe it was both

Nothing importantI mumbled, feeling lost in thoughts

We are quiet for a while until he opens his mouth again. The things he spews has be clenching my fists

I have a best friend now. Just like you and Uncle Gabe have Uncle Travis as your best friendhe begins

That’s good” 

I was in no mood to chat. My mood was soured. Noah didn’t seem to get the hint though. He kept talking

His name is Gunner and he is our new neighbor. They moved in about a week ago” 

I just nod my head distractedly. It’s not that I wasn’t interested in what he was saying. I just had a lot on 

my fucking mind. His mother being at the center of everything

You knowhe pauses He has a really good looking dad.He finishes

That piece of information immediately catches my attention. I turn to him and it’s then I notice his 

mischievous smile

ve been to our house and when Gunner and I were playing mom and Mr Calvin were downstairs ong and eating cupcakes! He even promised to help mommy plant her vegetable garden 

the fuck! What the hell was he talking about and who the fuck was this Calvin guy? Why would Ave 

In her house knowing very well that the Reapera were still at large

He continues. Smirking at me triumphantly as if he hadn’t just woken up a raging beast inside me

He made her laugh a lot. When Gunner and I came down for dinner, they were standing really close as he helped her set the table.” 

The more he talked, the more my fury rose. I clenched my teeth just to stop myself from lashing out at my own son. My fucking heart was pounding and I couldn’t calm myself down as waves of anger washed 

over me

7 was worried about what would happen to mom when you married Emma, but now with Calvin around you can do it. I still don’t like her, but you can marry her and mom can marry Calvin. He makes her laugh and Gunner will be my brother, so that’s a bonus

I kid you not, Noah gives me an evil grin before delivering the final blow 

Maybe Gunner and I can get more siblings, we’ll have to talk to them first but I’m sure they’ll agreehe 


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