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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M novel Chapter 154

Chapter 0154 

I swivel around. Shocked to see Rowan standing behind me

Could this day get any worse? I ask myself, groaning Internally

Rowan?I shriek, caught off guard. What the hell are you doing here?” 

Of all the times I had to bump into him, why now when I was standing in front of a sex toy shop

This had to be the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever experienced

I could ask you the same thing?He says looking behind me

I feel my cheeks redden, because I know nothing I say will get me out of the situation. I was standing in front of the shop and its windows displayed a variety of sex toys. It was hard to shrug off what kind of 

store this was 

I look back at the store before facing him nervously. I don’t know why I was nervous, but I was

I’m here to shop for maternity clothings and buy some things for the baby,I lie

He looks at me. His left eyebrow raised. In a sex shop? I don’t think you’ll find what you’re looking for 

here, unless you have other things in mind” 

The tilt of his mouth lets me know that he was teasing me, which was a completely new concept to me

Instead of answering him, I start walking in the other direction. I expected him to at least leave me alone

but he doesn’t. Instead he falls in step with me

I didn’t take you for a woman who would use sex toyshe says, making me halt in my steps

What the hell was wrong with him. Why the hell was he even bringing this up? Didn’t he get the memo that I wanted nothing to do with him? That I didn’t want him near me. It was the reason why I walked away in the first place

First of all, you don’t know the type of woman I am. You never did, mainly because you thought I was beneath you or something and second of all, what’s wrong with using dildos and vibrators to pleasure myself? I am a human being with needs, and they have to be fulfilled one way or another. Now leave me the hell aloneit 

I see an inferno light up in his eyes, but I don’t dwell on it. Not giving him a chance to speak, I start walking again. This time I quicken my steps

The man infuriated me and at times like this, I want nothing more than to slap the daylights out of him. It 

the sarcasm

I was now fuming. I would like to blame the pregnancy hormones, but I couldn’t put all the blame on them


What?stopping, I snap, now realizing that he was striding next to me

He was looking at me with his head tipped to the side. Almost like I was a puzzle he was trying to figure 


Here’s a mom and baby shophe says pointing at the store that was a few feet from us

I know I had lied about why I was here, but seeing the store made me realize that I was indeed in need of maternity clothes. Plus I had yet to buy anything for the baby. 1– 

I stomp my feet grudgingly as I walk toward the store. I stop just as I cross the threshold and put my arms 


What the hell are you doing?I ask him when I realize that he was about to walk inside with me

Isn’t it obvious? I am here to help you shop” 

“I didn’t ask nor do I need your help, so turn your ass around and go back to where you came from” 

I had reached my limit with him being so pushy about things that no longer concerned him

Where was he when I needed him? Now that I don’t, he thinks he can force himself in my life? It’s not 

going to happen


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