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Ex-wife, Please Come Back novel Chapter 277

Sara closed her eyes, immersing herself in Jacob's embrace. She was a little sleepy before, but when she walked out of the room with Jacob, the morning's fresh air quickly rejuvenated her.

"What do you think? Is this better than the previous villa?" Jacob lowered his head and whispered in her ear.

"It's good." Sara nodded her head in approval. She really enjoyed such morning leisure time. It gave her some sort of peace and allowed her to sort out her mind and feelings.

A gentle morning breeze suddenly blew past, making a mess of her hair. Jacob smiled and gently smoothed her hair.

"Aren't you going to work today?" Sara asked softly. Although she actually hoped she could stay in Jacob's embrace like this forever, she was also a bit worried that there would be problems if he stayed here too long.

"Shh, watch the sunrise," Jacob once again whispered in her ear. His finger was pointed at the horizon.

Sara moved her line of sight following his pointer and gazed into the distance. At first, there was nothing but some reddish hues in the sky. As time passed by, the sun gradually rose above the horizon. The two of them gazed at the sunrise in silence, seemingly mesmerized by the scene.

Only part of the circular sun showed up in the beginning, but its whole body soon came into their sights. It rose slowly and hung in the sky like a big, bright, yellow disc. The whole process, from the moment it showed up on the horizon until it got high in the eastern sky, happened quickly and without any hindrance.

"It's so beautiful. I didn't expect I'd get to see the sunrise here." Sara took Jacob's hand in hers and gently stroked it.

"Yes, it's beautiful. The scenery is beautiful, and so are you. Being with you like this is the happiest moment in my life," Jacob said. While what he said might sound corny, he was sincere.

He really thought she was beautiful, and he just wanted her to know that.

Sara smiled but made no comment. Instead of contradicting Jacob, she'd rather enjoy this peaceful moment in silence. Spending time with him and being embraced like this was enough to make her happy, so she had nothing to complain about.

Once the sun was quite high in the eastern sky, Jacob took Sara out to get some breakfast, and never once did he mention anything about work.

Now that James helped him manage the company, he felt like every day was a day off. With the newly announced rules, everyone should be behaving cautiously these days. The company should also run smoothly for a long time.

Thus, Jacob just wanted to focus on his relationship with Sara now.

At that thought, he stepped harder on the pedal gas, speeding away on the wide, empty road. Maybe because today's weather was warm, the road wasn't as hazy as it was in winter.

In winter, people always joked that they lived in the fairyland because the misty cold air was just like something out of the fairyland. Jacob never had problems with their statement.

People had to learn to find happiness in bitterness. If they couldn't and could only wallow in their bitterness, they'd eventually get sick. Some would be sick mentally, while some others physically.

Every person definitely had some kind of obsession in their heart. It might be about anything. It'd be very hard for those obsessions to disappear once they were born.

There were all kinds of people in this world. Some people spent their whole lives pursuing vain things, while some others strived to make a good name for themselves.

Jacob and Sara too were just some of the people living in this world. After everything they'd gone through, Jacob finally realized that cherishing people he currently had around him was more important than anything else.

The two people randomly chose a porridge restaurant, which seemed to have a lot of customers inside. Maybe because it was rush hour, everyone seemed to eat in a hurry.

Upon staring at the busy scene before them for a while, Jacob suddenly looked back at Sara and smiled.

"In fact, I really want to be one of them. Running a small business is good too. I can go out with my friends at any time and buy things I want without having to consider much. Although that way, I may have to work hard for a long time to buy a gift for my girlfriend, I'm willing. I think such a life is also considered a free life."


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