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Ex-wife, Please Come Back novel Chapter 282

Jacob couldn't wait to get out of the car. Sara was helpless now. He knew she needed his help, and he knew he would do anything to protect her.

He leapt out of the car the moment it stopped, and he saw Sara through the crowd. He was stunned at how she looked like. Sara had been crying bitterly, and she looked a little haggard.

As soon as she saw him, she ran over to Jacob and collapsed in his arms. He listened to her soft, low sobs. Jacob held Sara tightly. He patted her head and comforted. "Don't cry," he said softly. "I'm here. Don't be afraid."

"I'm fine. I just feel sad. My mother came back today, but my father never showed up again after going through all of those medical procedures for her."

As a matter of fact, Sara did not know why she was so sad. Perhaps it was because she felt sorry for her father or her mother. Perhaps she felt sorry for herself.

She didn't have the best relationship with her mother. However, now that she was back, Sara knew that she couldn't just ignore her mother. Although her memories of her mother had faded away, Sara still wanted to be the best daughter she could be.

No matter how much pain her mother had brought her in the past, she thought that she must forgive her. After all, her mother had given her life.

"Where is my mother-in-law? Don't cry, Sara." Jacob gently lifted up Sara's head and wiped away her tears. He suddenly felt like he had a mission to fulfill. He was the most important person in the world to Sara now.

"My mother is in the ward. She hasn't spoken a word to me. She hasn't even apologized." Sara stopped crying. She wanted to see how her mother was doing, but she was disappointed by what her mother had done.

"It doesn't matter. Your happiness is the most important thing. Okay?" Jacob held Sara in his arms. No matter what the future had in store for them, he was determined to face it with her.

Passersby glanced at them. People in the hospital were used to seeing others cry, so it was not a surprise to see them in such a state.

They just looked at Jacob and Sara in passing and proceeded to go about their day.

Jacob asked Sara about which room her mother was in, and they walked there together.

Suddenly, Sara fell to the ground. Sobs wracked her body. Fat, hot tears poured out of her eyes as she looked at the ward in front of her.

"I don't think I can forgive her." Sara kept sobbing. Perhaps it was all the pent-up emotions she had kept inside over the years or the hurt from her mother's actions finally resurfacing, but Sara couldn't bring herself to forgive the frail woman lying on the hospital bed.

Even though she was suffering and fighting for her life every day, it was difficult for Sara to pity her.

"I understand my father's feelings now. I still feel the same way I did at the start, but there's so much I've learned. I can't accept the fact that she abandoned me when she was healthy. But, now that she's sick, she came back."

Tears streamed down Sara's cheeks. In her heart, her mother was already dead. She died that fateful day when she left Sara as a child. It was pouring heavily that day, and Sara was inconsolable. She remembered every single detail.

"The woman lying on the bed is not my mother. I don't have a mother!" After saying that, Sara fell to her knees and began to sob even harder.

Love and hatred fought one another in her heart. However, they would always co-exist. One cannot be without the other.

"Don't say that, Sara. No matter what had happened, she is still your mother. Get up. Go inside and see how she's doing. Don't be like this." Jacob tugged at Sara's sleeve, urging her to go and see her mother, but Sara did not budge.

She had lived her life without a mother for too long. What use was her mother to her now? It was natural that Sara couldn't accept her now that she was sick.

However, she knew that she would eventually have to come to terms with her relationship with her mother and take her back.

"I have never once thought that my life is miserable. No matter what happened, I was always able to comfort myself and say that everything will be fine. But now, I think that those comforting words have been nothing but lies. "

Sara heaved a deep sigh. She felt a sharp pain pierce through her heart. Jacob understood how she felt. It would take time for her to heal, but she would eventually have to accept things for the way that they were and forgive her mother.

Such things were easy to understand but difficult to accept.


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