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Ex-wife, Please Come Back novel Chapter 338

Slowly, Jacob walked up to Sara, and gently held her shoulder. She leaned onto him for comfort as she soon burst into tears.

He felt her sadness, too. He remained in silence as he continued to offer a shoulder for her to cry on. While it was happening, he was also intently listening as Carlos spoke his mind.

"I know she loves me. I know it. But she was not happy with how I was too preoccupied and committed to the company. I naively thought that the only way I could make her happy was through wealth, but it was too late when I started to realize my mistake. I was deeply deluded in the idea that she doesn't really love me."

His voice continued to sound horse as he went on. He knew that Jacob was standing beside him, but he couldn't pay attention to anyone right now.

Now their family was finally here, and it was the only silver lining that he got out of it. In the past, what he worried about the most was Sara's marriage. Now that he didn't have to worry about it, the only problem he could see was now his now.

Tasha was lying in the emergency room. The cancer itself was not terrible, but it created a complication that made it extremely difficult to save her. Carlos continued to sulk as the idea of not seeing the person he loved the most washed all over him.

For him, it was a miracle enough to ever see her again. This was definitely worth celebrating, but at the same time, something to mourn for.

Sara continued to cry. Although she just heard her father's words clearly, she could only imagine her mother's heart full of regrets. Since she left, what was supposed to be a happy family ended up in pieces.

It was because of her mother's choice. No matter how anyone looked at it, it was most definitely a factor. However, this time, it was purely fate making its move.

"Dad, don't be too sad, now. You also need to watch out for your own health." Jacob glanced over at Carlos and couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He could tell that Carlos had been through a lot.

"Your mother never had a hard time before. I made sure of that because I didn't want her to suffer when she was with me. So I worked my ass off trying to keep things the way they were. I think that she got tired of simply receiving everything from me that she gave up on me."

Eventually, Carlos stopped sobbing. For some reason, seeing men cry always brought out a certain degree of sadness for most people. He had to be strong in front of his daughter.

"Dad, if you're sad. There's no need to hold back your tears. It's okay to cry," Sara reminded him. "You didn't do anything wrong. And I know I am in no position to judge my mother's actions, but I think you have done enough for both of us. It was her own choice that made her leave. It wasn't your fault."

Sara wiped her own tears as she lifted up her head and saw the world in a different lens. Everything to her seemed so…

Distorted. She felt that she couldn't even see the things that were literally in front of her.

"I always feel that it's a blessing for my mother to meet a man like you," she continued as she tightly grabbed Jacob's hand. Jacob, on the other hand, stood there, also bearing the same degree of sadness in his heart.

Despite that, she could feel at ease knowing that she had someone to rely on.

Jacob gently patted her back. At this moment, he could totally understand how she felt because he'd been through a similar experience before.

Especially the moment he found out about Michael's choice of euthanasia. He felt devastated at that time. There was no reason to refuse or bear any more suffering. The conflict between the two had almost torn apart his sanity.

However, he barely managed to get out of that dark times, despite the fact that it took him quite some time before he could finally speak about it with others. After all, time would eventually heal all wounds. As long as one could survive at the passing of time, everything would be fine.

However, right now, it was Sara who was caught in a whirlpool of disastrous events. She felt like the world was a thin, fragile bubble, and people had no idea when the vortex would destroy it.

Everyone was just waiting and mindlessly drifting according to the current. In such a situation, not many people could break out of the situation and have the courage to choose their own path.

Sara looked at her father with blank eyes, and said, "Dad, you will get through this. We both will, right? No matter the result, I hope you'll be fine. You still have me and Jacob. We'll take good care of you in the future. You don't have to worry about the company's affairs."


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