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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 They’re at the Top of the Mountain

“Tabatha!” Walter, who was under me, roared, and then I was tossed on the ground by him.

I was sober a little after I puked. I looked up at the man in front of me who was covered in my vomit and figured that if it were legal to eat people, he would have eaten me alive by now. I got a bit scared when looking at him, and therefore I played weak and said, “Stop glaring at me like that. I’m scared.”

He seemed so angry that he actually laughed. He lifted me up and snorted, “You know that you should be scared?”

As I was about to say something, he took off his coat and threw it neatly into the trash can. Then he bent down, picked me up, and strode out of the KTV.

He threw me in the car, and I didn’t dare say anything. I was still in a hangover, and though I was conscious, I was weak all over. If I did get into an argument with him, I might piss him off, and he’d just throw me in a ditch somewhere. So, I might as well keep my mouth shut.

I was in the car for a while. After a long time, he still didn’t get in. Seeing that, I wanted to get off, but the door was locked, and I couldn’t. Helpless, I could only lean against the seat to make myself feel better.

After a long while, there was a bang coming from the door.

I was startled and opened my eyes only to see that Walter was getting in the car with a completely different outfit. So, he went to change? How dainty.

I didn’t bother to say anything and closed my eyes.

Without saying anything, he started the car. I had my eyes closed, and after he drove for a while, I noticed something wrong. River City was big, but whether he was going to take me to the hotel or back to Water Villa, we should have been there already.

Yet there was no sign of the car stopping at all. I couldn’t help but open one eye and look out of the car. It was dark outside, without the lights of the city, only the shadows of trees shining in the moonlight.

Mountain road!

Thinking of these two words, I opened my eyes wide and turned to the man next to me, saying with astonishment, “Where are you taking me?”

He held on to the steering wheel, his handsome profile cold in the darkness. Hearing my voice, he didn’t look at me. Instead, he said in a low, calm voice, “You’re awake?”


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