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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 166

Chapter 166 Inquiring Further 

Mistook the person? 

I furrowed my brows, involuntarily turning my gaze towards Walter. What had he found out about the incident five years ago? 

Ashley seemed full of grievances, her voice choked with sobs as she continued to lament, “You said you would protect me for the rest of your life, you said I could do whatever I wanted, and you would always be there. You said your life was given by me, no matter what, you would protect me for the rest of your life. Walter, you never told me why you found me under the cliff that year, why you were good to me. I just went along with your wishes, I never lied to you.” 

Walter stood still, his gaze calm and his face serene and composed, devoid of any expression. Ashley was crying like rain, a mix of grievance and resentment. 

After a while, Walter glanced at her, his face as usual, and calmly asked, “What do you want?” 

In a single moment, Ashley froze, her delicate face showing a moment of disbelief, followed by endless self-mockery. She suddenly burst into laughter, but as she laughed, tears kept falling uncontrollably. 

Watching her like this, I thought, she must truly love Walter, otherwise she wouldn’t have reacted so strongly to just one sentence from him. When he asked her what she wanted, wasn’t he directly expressing his inner contempt for her through mockery? 

Yes, perhaps deep down, he had already regarded her as a woman who was only interested in profit, he had underestimated her. 



Being looked down upon by the one she loved was akin to having her self-esteem thrown on the ground and trampled into pieces. 

Walter knew how to hurt people. With just one sentence, he made her feel worthless. 

After Ashley finished crying and laughing, there was endless silence. After a long while, she lowered her eyes, her voice still hoarse, but exceptionally calm, “You can go, I don’t want anything.” 

Walter pursed his lips, his gaze still calm, as if there was nothing left. to say. So, he stepped out of the ward. 

I stood by the door, witnessing this so-called breakup drama. Looking at Ashley’s pathetic state, I felt neither anger nor joy. I never had any sympathy for her. 

The energy in this world was always conserved. When you enjoyed the privilege that did not belong to you, you had to be prepared to bear all the consequences that this privilege brought. 

Moreover, her retribution was not just limited to this. 

“Aren’t you leaving yet?” A man’s deep and restrained voice came from beside my ear. My wrist was grabbed, and instinctively, I was led out of the sickroom. 

I followed the tall and upright man in front of me for a few steps, then I pulled away from his grip on my hand. He didn’t seem to mind, and we both got on the elevator. 

When we arrived at the entrance of the emergency room, William and his wife had also arrived and were waiting outside. Seeing Walter and me approaching, William glanced at us and then focused his gaze on me, pausing slightly before saying, “Tabatha, what exactly happened? Dale said that grandma was injected with an allergenic drug. Did you get a good look at the person’s face?” 




I shook my head, voicing my question, “How is grandma doing?” 

He sighed, “Still in rescue.” 

Upon hearing this, Walter looked at me with his dark eyes, “What’s going on?” 

I roughly recounted what I had seen before, and said to the few people, “The man was wearing a mask and a hat. The situation was chaotic at the time, I didn’t get a clear look at what he looked like. Did the hospital’s surveillance catch it?” 

William raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, saying, “I’ve already had someone look into it.” 

Emma said, “The Hinton family has always avoided making enemies with others, let alone with an elderly grandmother. Who would think of harming her?” 

Walter’s face darkened a bit, but he didn’t speak. 

Dale opened his mouth, but didn’t say anything. 

I watched the reactions of several people, and unexpectedly thought of the man who had injected Carley with the drug. In my panic, I saw the man’s eyes, they were very familiar, but for a while, I couldn’t 

remember who he was. 

“Woo woo…” In the silent corridor, a sudden ringtone from a mobile phone broke the silence. It was Dale’s phone. 

After giving everyone a somewhat embarrassed smile, he walked to the stairway to answer the phone. 


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