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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Despicable

Frightened, Ashley glared at me and scowled in a low voice, “You’re on the phone with Walter?”

I met her gaze and nodded innocently. “Yes. I accidentally dialed his cell when you came.”


Her angry pale face pleased me. The call was still connected. Walter had been silent. After a long time, he said calmly, “I’m hanging up if that’s all.”

Obviously, he had taken this incident as a farce.

Seeing that I hung up, Ashley glared at me furiously. “You’re so despicable.”


I smiled. “Maybe you don’t understand the meaning of despicable. You’re in my house. You were asking me to leave my husband like you were entitled. How could you call me despicable?”

“Tabatha, Walter loves me.” Ashley was royally pissed off and used all her strength to convince me that Walter loved her.

I nodded, having no intention of retorting her. I pointed at the door and dropped my fake smile before saying curtly, “The door is this way. Bye.”

Ashley was reluctant to give up. She scowled, “Don’t be so arrogant. You wouldn’t have the chance to marry Walter if I wasn’t married at that time. Walter would never love a stone-hearted monster like you…”

I didn’t plan to throw her out but she annoyed me with her babbling. I got up and pushed her out.

After closing the door, I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache creeping in. My marriage with Walter was getting more and more meaningless.

I wasn’t sleepy at all as I slept too much during the day. This was how an irregular sleeper was made.

Walter came home at 1 a.m. I was surprised when I heard the sound of his car’s engine outside. I gave Ashley a hard time earlier that day. Knowing her vindictive nature, I didn’t think she would let Walter come home.

“Why are you still up?” Walter asked while changing out his shoes in the foyer and hanging up his coat.

I scrolled through my tablet and said aloofly, “I slept too much during the day.”


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