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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45 Cunning and Calculating 

If it had been in the past, I would probably have been moved if he had said these things to me. But hearing them now, I felt particularly numb. 

Looking at him, I laughed, not wanting to speak anymore. 

The old mansion of the Hinton family. 

The autumn sun seemed quite appealing. Carley was basking in the sun in the rocking chair in the yard, feeling quite content. When Walter and I arrived, she was still feigning sleep with her eyes closed. 

Dale had someone move two chairs for us, poured two cups of green tea, and then stood next to Carley, whispering, “Carley, the guests have arrived.” 

Upon hearing the sound, Carley slowly opened her eyes and looked at us. She first exchanged a few subtle words with Walter, then spoke to me, asking about trivial matters. 

After a while, she finally found an excuse to let Walter leave. 

She then looked at me and said, “I’ve heard about your father’s situation, child. It may seem inappropriate for me as an elder to discuss other matters with you at this time, but after all, I am Walter’s grandmother. I have to consider many things for the Hinton family. You must have seen the news headlines. Have you thought about how to handle it?” 

I pursed my lips, paused for a moment and said, “About the headline, I’ve already arranged for the Conner Group’s PR to handle it. The matter should be quickly suppressed 


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Next, I didn’t rush to speak, instead, I looked at her. 

She nodded slightly, “Yes, such matters are not suitable for fermentation. The only real solution is to suppress them. But child, this is after all a fact that is now known to everyone. I’m afraid the reputation of the Hinton family is now being widely discussed.” 

Some things, once there was a hint of rumor, were easily subject to speculation and exaggeration. Now that it has blown up, it was naturally inevitable to be talked about. 

I pursed my lips, calmed my demeanor, and looked at Carley, saying, “Grandma, I didn’t anticipate this either, I’m very sorry for the loss this has caused the Hinton family. If you’re upset about this, please don’t make things difficult for the Conner Group. I’m willing to take all the blame.” 

She looked at me, seemingly not too angry, her lips slightly pursed as she said, “What’s done is done, you’re a victim too, I don’t blame you.” She paused for a moment before continuing, “But after all, it has happened, you’ll have to step down from your position as the granddaughter-in-law of the Hinton family, Tabatha.” 

I understood her words, nodded, and said, “Alright, I will divorce Walter as soon as possible.” I hesitated for a moment before adding, “The child in my stomach…” 

After all, the child had already informed Walter. If he was suddenly told at this moment that it was a scam arranged by Carley, he might have developed a grudge. 

What I thought of, Carley also thought of. She looked at me, scheming, “This could be an opportunity. I see that Walter has some feelings for you. If you ask for a divorce without any reason, he won’t agree. Tabatha, you’re a smart kid. This non-existent baby is just something you can use to make Walter give up on you. Then your divorce will 




naturally follow.” 

So, Carley was trying to use this non-existent child in my belly to force Walter and me to divorce? 

Ha, she really is a veteran who has fought in the business world for many years, even thinking about my way out for me. She understood Walter, knew that he valued relationships and responsibilities, and also knew that it was impossible for us as a couple to have no feelings for two years. Therefore, if I suddenly proposed a divorce, Walter would have concerns and responsibilities, and would not agree to the divorce. 

But if I had used the child to completely break Walter’s heart, making him give up this responsibility, the divorce would have naturally followed. 

Carley’s scam was well thought out, offensive and defensive. 

Regardless of the situation, it was all to her advantage and did her no harm. 

Seeing that I didn’t respond, she slightly squinted her eyes and asked, “What’s wrong? Is there anything else you don’t understand?” 

I shook my head, paused for a moment, and looked at her, “Grandma, this arrangement is excellent, I’m just curious, how do you plan to settle the child in Ashley’s belly?” 


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