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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 471

Chapter 471 Come with Me 

I really didn’t want to say a word to him, so I simply pretended to be 


After the auction ended, the Buddhist beads that were bid for tens of millions arrived in my hands. They looked very nice and were indeed very expensive. 

Because Ezra had indeed spent too much RMB, he was inevitably called onto the auction stage to express his feelings. In plain terms, it was to satisfy everyone’s curiosity as to why he was willing to spend tens of millions for a Buddha bead necklace worth only hundreds of thousands. 

The host was probably the most curious one, and casually asked Ezra, “I noticed a beautiful lady sitting next to you just now. Sir, did you spend a fortune just to win a smile from the beauty?” 

Laughter echoed from below the stage. Ezra looked in my direction, which I found annoying, so I turned my gaze towards Walter, who was sitting coldly not far away. 

Ezra’s voice came from the stage, “Hmm, indeed, a fortune was spent just to win her smile.” 

Applause and laughter came from below the stage, which I truly 

disliked. I was worried that Ezra would take this opportunity to spout nonsense on stage. I stood up, under the gaze of everyone, and left the auction hall. 

Just as I stepped out, my wrist was suddenly gripped tightly. I thought it was Ezra who had chased after me, and I felt annoyed, saying, “Are you ever going to stop…” 




Seeing Walter’s familiar face, I was taken aback, “You…” 

“Come with me!” Before I could ask what was going on, I was already being pulled out of the auction house by Walter. His car was parked outside, and I was pushed into it by him. 

Then disappeared into the dust. 

In the car, I hadn’t yet regained my senses, I glanced sideways at Walter who was driving, “Walter, where are you taking me?” 

He remained silent, his face ashen. It was clear that his mood was very bad at that time. 

Thinking of what had just happened in the auction hall, I pursed my lips and didn’t ask any more questions. 

It was already dark when the car arrived outside the newly developed residential area in the city. I had seen this area before when I passed by. It was a new property development in the city center, which had probably just been handed over to the owners recently. 

The car was parked by Walter in the underground parking lot of the community, the engine was turned off. Walter opened the door, got out of the car, and then the car door next to me was opened. 

Walter looked at me, his voice low and restrained, “Get out of the car.” 

I slightly furrowed my brows, “What did you bring me here for?” 

Although curious about his intentions, I still got out of the car. He led me into the elevator and pressed the button for a floor. I was quite familiar with this place, but I had no idea why he brought me here. He didn’t say anything, and I was at a loss. 

“Ding!” The elevator door was opened, and I was pulled out by him. This building had two elevators for each unit, it must be a large flat. 



Sure enough, once I entered the house, I took a quick look around. It was a duplex, decorated in a simple and elegant style. I had no idea why Walter had suddenly brought me here. 

Unable to resist, she asked, “Walter, you…” 

“From now on, you’ll be living here,” he said, leading me into the living room. 

I frowned, “I have a place to live.” 

He looked at me, his brows furrowed tightly, “Ezra’s residence?” 

What happened to this person? 

I pursed my lips, didn’t speak, which was taken as my tacit agreement. 

He suddenly snickered, inexplicably asking, “When do you plan to leave?” 

I was surprised at how he knew we would leave, but upon further thought, it seemed quite normal. Ezra appeared blatantly again, and the police made no move. It seemed that up to now, they still couldn’t do anything about him. Thus, they naturally had to let him go. 

It seemed to have been this way for many years. Even though it was well known that Ezra and his group were covered in blood, and they acted without any restraint, there was nothing that could be done about them. Because even if they were caught, these people still had countless ways to defend themselves. They were wealthy, and they had inexplicable and unclear relationships with politicians from various countries. Any slight movement from them would cause a storm. 


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