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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Walter Asks Someone to Find Out

Looking at her, who looked so hesitant, I calmly said, “You mean that I was forced to be a street girl?”

She nodded a little tentatively. “I don’t mean to poke your sore spot. I just want to know why you never talk about those six months after you came back?”

I pressed my lips. Whenever that part of my past emerged in my mind, it always chilled me. Looking at Rachel, I said, “It’s getting late. I have work to do.”

Seeing that I was not about to tell her, she pouted and muttered, “You are driving me away again. I am so bored at home, or I wouldn’t have bothered to bring you food at all.”

Though saying so, with a serious face, she pointed to the remaining food in the lunch box and said, “Eat up, or I won’t cook for you again.”

I smiled, nodded, and ate up.

It was the evening.

After having dinner with Rachel, I went back to Water Villa, and it was dark.

There were no lights in the hall, and I thought Walter wasn’t back. I was already used to it. I was about to go to the study to read so that I could get sleepy.

When I came outside the study, I saw the half-open door, and I stopped in my tracks, wondering. Was Walter back?

“Mr. Hinton, about what happened five years ago, this is all the information I got. It seems that Mrs. Hinton…” It was Roy Austen, Walter’s assistant.

They were talking about business in the study?

I was never in the habit of eavesdropping, so I was about to walk away. Then I heard Roy’s voice. He continued, “Her past isn’t something to be proud of. If Mrs. Hinton knew…”

I frowned, knowing that Roy was talking about me.

And he said something about five years ago.

Did Walter ask someone to find out about what happened five years ago?

I stopped and gasped. So, Walter heard everything Ashley had said in the hospital today?


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