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Exposing the Charade of Deep Affection (PDF) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Ashley was “asked” to leave the old mansion. 

Subconsciously, I looked down at the Conner Group building and saw Dale standing below, holding a mobile phone in his hand. 

Upon seeing this, I quickly said into the phone, “Okay, I understand.” 

I hung up the phone, grabbed my bag, and then I went downstairs. 

In Dale’s car, I really couldn’t understand why Carley was so eager for me to go to the old house? She had given me a month’s time, there was no need to rush like this. 

The old mansion of the Hinton family. 

Dale led me into Carley’s yard, the weather was cold. Carley had lit a fire in the house, it was very warm. As soon as the door was opened, I saw my mother was also there. 

Was stunned for a moment. 

Looking at his mother, he said, “Mom, how did you get here?” 

Upon seeing me, my mother glanced at Carley, her expression faltering slightly. Then she looked at me and said, “I came to see you and… Ashley.” 


Mother came because of her? 

Carley looked at me, her eyes still radiating kindness. She said, “Tabatha is here, come sit. It’s cold outside, come warm your hands.” 

Saying so, he raised his hand and waved at me, looking like a kind old 



I nodded, walked over and sat down next to my mother. 

Carley looked at Dale and asked, “Where’s Walter? Has he arrived?” 

Dale nodded, “I’ve informed him, Mr. Hinton said he would be back 


Carley nodded, turning her gaze to my mother, and said, “My dear, Walter will be back soon. Could you and Tabatha please wait a little longer?” 

The mother nodded, her expression carrying a hint of apology as she said, “Carley, don’t talk about being bothered. If anyone is to blame for any trouble, it’s me and Tabatha’s father for not being strict enough. with our own child. We’re the ones who have caused you trouble.” 

I didn’t know why my mother suddenly came to the old house. I looked at her and whispered, “Mom, what’s wrong?” 

Just as my mother was about to speak, Walter walked in. Seeing both my mother and me there, he was a bit surprised. 

However, it was only a moment, he politely greeted his mother and Carley before sitting down. 

The atmosphere in the room was somewhat solemn, I still didn’t know what had happened. In the meantime, Carley said to Dale, “You go to the side yard and ask Ms. Conner to come, tell her Mrs. Conner is here to pick her up.” 

Dale nodded and respectfully left. 

Picked her up? 

Did mother come to the old house today to pick up Ashley? Did Carley 



ask mother to pick up Ashley? 

Could it be that Carley found out about Ashley’s pregnancy, and that’s why she wasn’t allowed to stay in the old house to nurture her 


A moment later, Ashley from the side courtyard was called over. 

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Carley asked Dale to get some drinks. Then she turned to her mother and said, “It’s rare for you to visit today, stay for dinner later. The kids at home have been saying they want to throw me a birthday feast, you must come and join the fun.”. 

I had forgotten, Carley’s 80th birthday was coming up. As she got older, she seemed to enjoy the hustle and bustle even more. 

Mother greeted Carley with a smile and a few words, observing that the atmosphere was fairly harmonious. 

However, the more harmonious the atmosphere was, the stranger it seemed. Sure enough, after a while, Walter looked at Carley and asked, “Grandma, is there something you need today?” 

Carley took a sip of her tea, her gaze not on Walter, but on Ashley. “I called your mother here today mainly to hand you over to her safely. I didn’t know you were pregnant before. I just heard that you liked my old house, so I let you stay. After all, you are Tabatha’s sister, so we are kind of family. But these past few days, I’ve noticed something wrong with your belly. I only found out from Walter that you’ve been pregnant for a while. You, a pregnant woman, living in my old house without anyone to take care of you, if something happens, I, at my age, wouldn’t be able to explain it to your mother!” 

Carley’s words sounded so nice. On the surface, every word and sentence seemed to be concerned about Ashley’s safety. But anyone 


could hear the underlying message, urging her to pack up and leave the old house with her mother immediately. 

Sure enough, the old fox of a thousand years, even when driving people away, spoke so grandiosely. 

Ashley’s face turned ashen for a moment, her lips tightly pursed. Her hands, resting on her lap, were clenched together, the knuckles turning white from the pressure. 

Seeing this, Walter frowned at Carley and said displeasedly, “Grandma, what is this…” 

“Walter, Tabatha is still carrying your child. Although you are a good man, you need to prioritize,” Carley interrupted him, continuing, “The Hinton Group has a lot going on, and Tabatha needs your care and attention. Your grandmother knows you have a kind heart, but Ashley 

a married man. If she stays in this house for too long, what will people say when they find out?” 

When she said this, Carley’s face had already darkened, clearly, she had been holding back her anger all along. 

Thinking back, the fact that Ashley was not carrying the Hinton family’s offspring really upset her, otherwise she wouldn’t have been so eager to have her mother come and take Ashley away. 

The atmosphere was so heavy that it was somewhat suffocating. A strong sense of grievance and pitifulness was evident on Ashley’s face at that moment, but she didn’t say a word. 

It was clear, she was unwilling to leave just like that, but now, other than playing the victim, she had no other choice. 


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