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Facade of Love (Yvette Scott and Idris Young) novel Chapter 320

Chapter 320 A Clash 

I was totally speechless. I was just about to say something when Idris hit me with, You’re not gonna bail on dinner too, right?” 

Awesome. He had me backed into a corner

I pursed my lips, shot him a skeptical glance, and muttered, Sure, if you’ve got nothing better to do, dinner’s cool.” 

Feeling irked, I was not in the mood to hang around and talk, so I spun on my heel to take off. I had only made it a few steps when I paused and threw a look over my shoulder at him. His usually handsome face was now sporting a weird redness. Hey, just so you know, you’re looking a bit feverish. You might want to take some meds.” 

As I walked into the police station that morning, I could not shake off the sight of his cheeks, all pink and flushed. At first, I thought he was just shaking off the last bits of sleep, but the redness stuck around way after we stepped outside. That is when it clicked: he must have slept in his car overnight, and the cold got to him

Alright!he suddenly burst out, the hard lines of his face melting into something gentler. Our eyes met, and he nodded. Got it.” 

The way he switched gears so fast left me feeling super awkward. I did not stick around to dwell on it, though. I just turned around and made a beeline for the safety of Scott Corporation. Idris and I were different now. Our chats and hangouts had this weird new vibe, not as uptight and bythebook as before. Maybe it was because of the divorce. I felt like I could breathe again, but my fuse was way shorter now

Strutting into Scott Corp with my arms full of blooms, I caught a bunch of stares. I slapped on my best everything’s peachygrin and zipped to my office

I dumped the flowers on my desk and just stared. Who would do something like this

They were definitely nice to look at, but flowers out of nowhere

Was it Maxwell playing secret admirer

Just as I thought about him, Maxwell strolled in, his arms loaded with papers. His eyes caught sight of the flowers, and he could not help but flash a cheeky grin. Well, well, what’s all this? Looks like someone’s got a secret admirer, huh?” 

I gave him a pointed look. These aren’t from you?” 

He stared at me like I had just turned 

What’s going on in that brain of your to an alien. Why would I be sending you flowers

Okay, he had a point

His eyes narrowed a bit as he leaned in. You seriously have no idea who they are from?” 

I locked eyes with him, totally speechless. You know something, don’t you?” 


gave a laugh and a casual shrug, his face telling me he was too swamped to play detective.I just came back to Lake City again, and work has got me buried. No time to dig into your lovestories.” 

I sighed and gave the mysterious flowers another puzzled look. Who had decided to play secret admirer if Idris and Maxwell were out of the picture

My phone did a little dance with a few buzzes

Charlie’s name popped up on the screen, and I could not help but flick my gaze to the flowers in front of me. Maxwell caught my surprised look, and a mischievous smile crept onto his face, as though he was in the front row at the movies watching the best scene

I shook off his amused stare and answered the call. Charlie’s voice, as deep and smooth as 

said, Do you like the flowers?” 


His question caught me off guard. Wait, you are the one who sent them?I stammered, my thoughts racing to catch up. Why would Charlie send me flowers, of all things

His voice had a playful tone, and I could almost picture him smiling. I swung by the police station to drop off those flowers and noticed you seemed to dig them. I just wanted to say thanks for last night. I wasn’t sure what you were into, so I went with flowers. Got a favorite? Roses, or something else?” 

I was so thrown off that all I could blurt out was, Mr. Yates, why are you sending me flowers

Just showing some gratitude,Charlie said, his chuckle warm and easy

I was totally tonguetied. Gratitude for what?” 

I had an awesome time last night, and I’m still riding that high. I just wanted to share the good vibes with you,he said, his grin wide and infectious

I was totally thrown. You already gave me something last night.” 

He gave a little hum, like he was acknowledging a song only he could hear. Yeah, but I wanted to give you even more. Are not you into them?” 


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