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Facade of Love (Yvette Scott and Idris Young) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Moore made to leave the Old Manor 

Instinctively, I glanced down at the Scott Corporation building and saw Mr. Zachary standing there, phone in hand. Seeing this, I quickly responded, “Alright, I got it.” I hung up, grabbed my bag, and headed downstairs. In Mr. Zachary’s car, I could not help but wonder why Madam Young was in such a rush for me to visit the old manor. She had given me a month. There was no need for such urgency. 

Mr. Zachary guided me into Madam Young’s courtyard. The chill of the weather was quickly forgotten as we entered the house, where a fire was crackling, spreading warmth throughout. As the door swung open, I was taken aback to see my mother already there. “Mom, why are you here?” I asked, surprised. 

My mother, after a brief glance at Madam Young, hesitated before replying, “I came to see you and… Moore.” Moore? Was she the reason for my mother’s unexpected visit? 

Madam Young, her eyes still radiating kindness, invited me, “Yvette, come sit. It’s chilly outside, come warm your hands.” She beckoned me over with a wave of her hand, the picture of a benevolent elder. 

I nodded and took a seat next to my mother. Madam Young turned to Mr. Zachary, inquiring, Has Iddy arrived yet?” 

Mr. Zachary nodded. “I’ve informed him. Mr. Young will be back shortly.” Madam Young nodded, her gaze shifting to my mother. “Dear, Iddy will be here soon. Could you and Yvette kindly wait a bit longer?” 

My mother nodded, her face showing a hint of apology. “Madam Young, there’s no need for such formalities. If anyone’s caused trouble, it’s us for not disciplining our child properly.” 

I was puzzled by my mother’s sudden appearance at the old manor. 

In a hushed voice, I asked, “Mom, what’s happening?” Just as she was about to respond, Idris walked in. Seeing both me and my mother, he looked surprised but quickly recovered, greeting my mother and Madam Young politely before taking a seat. 

The room was filled with a serious atmosphere, and I was still in the dark about what was going on. Suddenly, Madam Young turned to Mr. Zachary. “Go to the side courtyard and bring Ms. Scott. Tell her Deborah is here for her.” 

Mr. Zachary nodded and left with a respectful bow. 

Here for her? 

Was my mom at the old mansion today to fetch Moore? Did Madam Young ask my mom to fetch Moore? 

Could it be that Madam Young found out about Moore’s pregnancy and did not want her to stay in the mansion during her pregnancy? 

Soon enough, Moore was summoned from the side courtyard. 

Once everyone was present, Madam Young asked Mr. Zachary to fetch some drinks. She then turned to my mother. “It’s a rare occasion that you’re here today. Stay for dinner. The kids at home are planning a birthday feast for me one of these days. You should join the celebration.” 

I had completely forgotten that Madam Young’s eightieth birthday was approaching. It seemed that as she aged, she had grown fonder of lively events. 

My mom exchanged pleasantries with Madam Young, laughing and chatting. The atmosphere seemed to lighten. 

The more harmonious the atmosphere, the more peculiar it felt though. As expected, it was not long before Idris turned to Madam Young and asked, “Grandma, is there something you wanted to discuss today?” 

Madam Young delicately sipped her tea, her gaze not resting on Idris, but on Moore. “I asked your mother to join us today primarily to ensure your safety. I was unaware of your pregnancy. I only knew you had a fondness for my old mansion, so I allowed you to stay. After all, you’re Yvette’s sister, which makes us practically family. But recently, I’ve noticed something off about your condition. I spoke with Iddy and discovered you’ve been pregnant for some time. A pregnant woman living in my old mansion without proper care, if anything were to happen, it would be difficult for me to face your mother at my age!” 

Madam Young’s words were coated with concern, seemingly considering Moore’s safety in every sentence. Everyone could discern the underlying message though: she was subtly suggesting Moore pack her things and leave the mansion with her mother. 

She was indeed a crafty old fox, managing to make even evictions sound noble. 

Moore’s face turned ashen, her l*ps pressed tightly together. Her hands, resting on her lap, were clenched together, her knuckles whitening from the pressure. 

Upon seeing this, Idris frowned at Madam Young, voicing his displeasure. “Grandma, what are you doing…?” 

“Iddy, Yvette is carrying your child. You’re a good kid, but you need to prioritize.” Madam Young cut him off, continuing, “The Young Corporation has many matters that need attention, and Yvette needs your care. I know you have a kind heart, but Moore is a married woman. If she continues to live here, what will people say when word gets out?” 

As Madam Young spoke, her face had already taken on a stormy expression, clearly, she had been holding back her anger all this while. It seemed that the fact that Moore was not carrying a child of the Youngs was what truly infuriated her, otherwise, she would not have been so quick to summon Moore’s mother to take her away. 

The atmosphere was so tense that it was almost suffocating. Moore’s face was a picture of deep hurt and pitifulness, yet she remained silent. It was obvious that she was unwilling to leave just like that, but at this point, her only option was to play the pitiful card. 

Initially, I did not understand why Madam Young had gathered everyone here, but now it made sense. If she had not gathered everyone, Madam Young would have simply sent Moore away, and Moore would have undoubtedly caused a scene, portraying herself as a pitiful figure, winning Idris’s sympathy, and standing against Madam Young. 

Now, with everyone present, Madam Young had laid out the situation so plainly that Moore could not even feign being the victim anymore. After all, even if she claimed that Noah was mistreating her, she could always go to the Scotts with her mother. Even though the Scotts were struggling now, they could still manage to care for a pregnant woman, effectively silencing Idris. 


Seeing the situation unfold, my mother addressed Madam Young and Idris, “It’s all for not being more attentive as a mother. I’ve caused you trouble these past days. Moore, too, 


she got pregnant and did not even tell us, her parents. I’ve been so caught up with Kane’s issues that I’ve inadvertently added to your burdens.” 


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