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Faking it with Damian Black novel (Millie) novel Chapter 67


Chapter 67 


Beating my five am alarm was slowly becoming a habit

As my phone buzzed on my armband, I turned the alarm off and ceased running. Wiping the sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand, I chased my breath, the fatigue settling on my leg muscles

I had a restless night, and when four am hit, I gave up trying to sleep and focused on wearing my muscles out. It was the only thing I could do to stop my brain from going back to what transpired last night. And here I am again, jumping back on the carousel of Damian’s stupid, s*xy grin, me falling for him all over again, and Damian slapping to my face how foolish I am

I don’t want to think about him anymore, but there’s no switchoff button for my feelings for him

My lips still tingle with the memories of Damian’s soft and insistent one. My body knew who owned it, and its reaction to his touch was on autopilot. If he hadn’t revealed his diabolical plan with Ana, last night would’ve gone out of control

When he walked inside the function hall, my lady parts kicked my reasoning out the window and took over. Images of Damian in that fitted gray tee, dark blue jeans, cowboy boots and hat, unbuckling his belt while he stared down at me in his bed, savoring me from head to toe with his eyes had clouded my head. Then, in his gravelly voice, he’d ask me if I would be a good girl for him. But it was a mere fantasy. Like a bucket of icecold water dumped over my head, Ana materialized on his side, hanging from his arms like a little doll in her pink cocktail dress

For Dad’s sake, I endured the torture of seeing them laughing and talking cozily at their table. I’d die first before admitting this to anyone, but I was glad I had Xander’s annoying face to look at instead of ogling them. My night took a lighter phase when Gian showed up. Gian didn’t have to ask. He knew something was bothering me. When he offered to take me for a ride, I agreed, glad he would me out of my misery


I thought I could finally escape the torment of seeing Damian cozy with another girl. Like a caveman, Damian had to throw me over his shoulder and turn my world upside down. I hated the relief that washed over me when he said Ana was only a friend. I almost gave in to his touch and kisses. Then he told me it was for a show

Ugh!I groaned, stomping my foot like a child

Rough night?” 

My shriek echoed through the treeline and over the lake, disturbing the small animals lurking nearby

Gian leaned against a tree. Patches of sweat graced his bluefitted shirt. His short running shorts revealed his toned legs. A headphone hung around his neck, and the visor of a baseball cap shadowed his watchful eyes

GianGod, you almost gave me a heart attack.I pressed a hand on my chest, my heart drumming against my palms

Tilting his head to the side, Gian studied me with those piercing blue eyes. It’s not my fault you’re lost in your head, Amore.There was a pinch of disappointment in his tone. You shouldn’t be running out alone at this time of the day... 

Although this was still part of Dad’s property, I get where he’s coming from. If he had vile intent, I would’ve fallen into a trapagain

I justhave a lot on my mind.Avoiding his gaze, I walked towards the clearing on the side of the lake. It was the same spot where Damian was picking his clothes one by one yesterday

Shaking the thought of his body out of my head, I stared at the clear water, unseeing

With a sigh, Gian abandoned his post on the tree and walked towards me. How rough was it?” 

What?I grimaced at his innuendo. His grin was playful. That’sI’m not even gonna answer that.” He chuckled, throwing an arm over my shoulder, pulling me in, and ruffling my hair. Gian! Not my hair!” 

I miss messing with you,he said, releasing me

Glaring at him, I shoved him in the arms. He didn’t even bulge. It was like punching a wall. I almost broke my knuckles. Wincing, I shook my hand. For a moment, I was actually glad to see you. I take it back.” 

His laugh was pure glee. I miss you too, Amore. Want me to punch Damian in the face?” 

You’d like that, don’t you? I bet Damian would also like to punch you in the face.” Crouching, I sat on the grass with my knees bent in front of me. Gian followed 

suit, and the silence swelled between us. Thanks for coming to Dad’s party, by the way.” 

I had to discuss, business with him and knew you needed me.” He kept his gaze forward as I frowned at him. And to make sure Damian is not making more mess than he already had.” 

My forehead crinkled, and I was surprised that he was actually taking Damian’s side. This was being sympathetic in Gian’s book. What do you know?” 

He glanced at me. Aside from him being the world’s più stupido? He’d do everything to keep you safe, Amore.” (biggest fool

These words coming from Gian were unexpected. I don’t even know how to respond. He didn’t need me to say anything and continued. Leaving you like he did was f**ked up, but he did it to protect you.” 

I snorted. Protect me? From what? Natalie was already behind bars, and Aidan was a wanted man. Damian didn’t need to chase after him. That was the job of the police.” 

Like I said, he’s the world’s biggest idiot.” He leaned back in his hand, stretching his long legs in front of him. Amore” 

Hm?Hugging my knees as a cold breeze swept by, I tucked my chin and focused on the lone fish swimming near the banks

It’s love in Italian. Everyone in love turns into fools sometimeshe murmured, the loneliness hidden in the deepest part of his heart slithering its way out. Gian rarely allowed people to see his vulnerability. He’d keep to himself and flaunt his brooding side, aloof and detached

What do you know, Gian?From the direction of this conversation, it sounded as if he knew something I didn’t. Knowing Gian, he wouldn’t lie to me, but he’s best at sidestepping topics

After a moment of contemplation, Gian let out a breath. It’s not my story to tell, but trust me on this.He pinned me with nothing but honesty in his eyes. Damian is a fool who’s head over heels for you. I wouldn’t let him live if he wasn’t.” 

Back in the cabin, Mom was in the kitchen making breakfast. The belt of her purple robe was left untied, revealing a plaid pajama underneath and her blond hair tied up in a messy bun. 

I hugged mom from behind and rubbed my sweaty cheeks against hers. Morning, Mommm.” 

Mom groaned, scrunching her nose as she craned her face away from me. It was futile, though. Morning, honey.” 

I giggled and peppered her cheeks with kisses. What’s for breakfast?” 

Releasing her, I went to the coffeemaker and pulled a cup from the cupboards. While filling it with coffee, I eyed the ingredients on the counter. There are leftover nachos from last night, sausages, and coleslaw. Mom was on the iron waffle, ladling the batter on it. My stomach grumbled as I spotted the made waffle plate on her side. I plucked one, but Mom slapped my hand

Wash your hands!she glared at me. Pouting, I did what I was told and took one waffle from the plate. Her eyes narrowed. I gave her a toothy grin

You’re in a good mood,she said, taking the waffles from the iron and ladling another set

You’re making my favorite, so why won’t I be in a good mood?I reasoned. Mom’s waffle nachos would lift my spirit any time of the day

Without throwing me a glance, she murmured. It doesn’t have to do anything with your date with Damian?” 

I choked on the waffle I was chewing. Reaching for my cup of coffee, I took a sip and glared at Mom over the mug. What date?I deadpanned

She turned the waffle iron off and set aside the waffles, then started cooking the sausages. You just missed him. He asked for Dad’s and I’s permission to take you out on a date later.” 

I swallowed hard, my heart galloping as I remembered why he told Dad about our deal: I need his permission so I can court you properly

Like butter tossed on a hot pan, my heart melted. In my teenage diary, I wrote countless ways I wished Damian would court me. Though I knew Damian’s words weren’t empty, it still surprised me that he actually asked for my parentspermission

Emotions filled my chest

No. Stay strong, Millié. He just asked for permission. Don’t fall for it again

I was saved from answering Mom when someone knocked on the door. I’ll get it!” 


I shrieked, startling Mom

Her eyes were wide as she watched me skip toward the door. It was my turn to look shocked when I saw Andrea’s state

She was still in her clothes from last night: a short denim short, a fitted white sleeveless crop top, and ankle boots. A huge pair of sunglasses covered her eyes. That wasn’t the shocking part. It was the kiss mark on her cleavage that she tried hiding with her messy hair

Don’t ask.” 

Of course, I asked. What happened to you?” 

Groaning, she pushed me aside and headed straight to greet Mom. Candice trudged up the three steps of the cabin’s porch, looking wellrested and glowing in her lilac floral minidress

What happened?I asked Candice as I closed the door, crossing the short distance between the living area and the kitchen

The stable guy happened.” 

Xander?!I hissed. Andrea glared at Candice, who merely replied with a shrug. Then Andrea turned to me. Her eyes were sharp. What?” 

As perceptive as always, Mom knew we needed a moment to ourselves. I’ll see if Dad’s awake,she said. Can you finish this up?” 

Sure,” I said and turned off the stove. I turned towards the waffle on the plate and started cutting it into small bits, layering it on a baking pan

Once mom was out of earshot, I turned to Andrea. Okay, spill.” 

Andrea was by the coffeemaker, filling a cup, while Candice stood beside her, munching down on an apple from the fruit basket

Last night, Andrea said she wasn’t feeling well and headed to her room halfway through the party. I gathered she didn’t want to be in the same space with Xander, but looking at her now, I’m not sure what she wants anymore


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