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Fall in Love After the Flash Marriage novel Chapter 1

“Miss, 4 dollars please.”

Jenny in the back seat gives no instant response to that as she stares fascinatedly through the taxi window at the pharmacy. The impatient driver looks back at her and complains, "Miss, do you want me drive into that pharmacy?"

"What?" Jenny comes to herself.

Noticing the driver’s impatient look, she realizes she has delayed him and blushes with embarrassment. She pulls out the cash out of her bag, stuffs it into his hand and rushes out of the taxi.

"Oh, it’s dilatory to get out of the car!" shouts the driver and he drives away.

It turns freezing in October in Huaixiu, the Northwest region. Let alone it is December now and heavy snow falls. Even though she wears a thick down coat, Jenny shivers the moment she steps out of the taxi.

Jenny takes a look up at the neon sign of the pharmacy, and blushes. She hesitates for a while but the severe cold defeats her. She pulls up her mask and runs into the pharmacy shrugging her shoulders.

The lady behind the cashier counter greets in a smiling manner, “Welcome to our pharmacy. How may I help you?”

Her blushing face can hardly be hidden by the mask when she hears that. She blinks her sparkling eyes and replies as if nothing bothers her, “I’m good. Just looking around.”

She shelters herself between the shelves as she says that.

Jenny pats her chest and regrets, “No, why I do this myself? I should have asked Shawn for help. She’s done this before. She wouldn’t feel awkward like me.”

Problem is where on earth is the pregnancy test kit stored?

The phone in the pocket rings at a bad time when Jenny bends herself and looks carefully for the pregnancy test kit on the shelf.

She picks it up at once, “Jessica, I’m at the pharmacy. Don’t rush me.”

“Oh that, I don’t mean that...” Jessica falters on the phone, “I mean, the weather is terrible. Be careful on your way back. And it’s important that you keep away from the paparazzi.”


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