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Fall in Love After the Flash Marriage novel Chapter 101

Jenny stares in awe at the fruit basket in her hand. It is very beautiful. It has been an excellent idea to buy it as a present she thought. So she takes a deep breath and knocks at the door. She doesn’t know the person who comes to open the door is an agent or an assistant.

"Good morning, I am Jenny, I'm here to see Michael."

Jenny takes the mask off to reveal her face.

The man startles slightly. When he sees Jenny's face, he suddenly shows a mocking smile, "Shawn told you, come on in, Michael has been waiting so long for you."

Jenny frowns, walks inside the house with the head down carrying the basket and acknowledging the air is tense, she keeps quiet.

"Wait here please, I'll go check if Michael is awake."

The man leaves Jenny alone in the living room of the suite, and walks into the bedroom.

Jenny begins to look around curiously. Teddy bear, dolls, game consoles, and even a lot of unopened gift boxes are piled up in the corner of the room, all gifts from fans. There are so many flowers that the room is pervaded by a unique and strong scent, feeling like being in a garden.

So that's how it is to have so many followers?

Jenny is a little emotional, puts down the fruit basket and starts walking around the room.

The teddy bear has a small card tied around his neck with wishes and blessing written on it by the fans of Michael.

"Dear Michael, I was saddened by the new of your sickness. I truly hope this little bear can accompany you through this time. Please get better soon and take it easy. I love you very much…"

There are many other cards, most likely with content similar to this one.

Jenny usually receives many letters and gifts from fans. If she misses couple of days at the company, her desk would be submerged by boxes and cards. She is flattered to get so many attentions and gifts but she also worries that her fans waste too much money for her, so she posts on microblogging asking fans to stop giving her gifts. Such an action is originally thoughtful for fans, but it is interpreted by the media as disapproving of fan gifts, because they are too cheap, and even the bag she once went out with is described as Luxury goods is worth tens of thousands from fans.

God knows she only has one luxury bag, bought by Victoria, at half price when it was on sales in Melbourne.

Gossip is a fearful thing.

From that day, the number of fans has decreased a lot, and she receives many letters with insults and curses. Shawn keeps many letters secret believing that reading them would make Jenny sadder and sadder.

The man opening the door makes her come back to reality. "Mr. Song will see you now."

Jenny regains consciousness, nods and walks into the bedroom.

The assistant closes the door from the outside, leaving her and Michael Song alone.

Michael Song is lying on the bed, uncovered, reading a book. Seeing her come in, he closes the book and smiles at her. "In the end, here you are."

It seems like he has been waiting for her for ages.

Jenny feels uncomfortable by that attitude but she finds the courage to speak openly, "if your sickness has been caused by me pushing you that day in the swimming pool, I sincerely apologize to you, and truly hope you won’t blame others for my actions."

"That sounded very confident." Michael Song turns around and sits up. The white-covered book slips away on the sheets. The blue veins on his forehead are pumping rapidly, the anger in his heart could be seen from miles away, "Jenny, Did you know that I am not as calm as it seems, you provoked me, therefore, there will be consequences, understood?"


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