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Fall in Love After the Flash Marriage novel Chapter 111

The next morning after breakfast, Luke intends to send Sky home and thereafter go to work. Jenny was unwilling to go out but grandma kept pushing her to go with them.

Jenny is alright with this arrangement not because she is worried about something happening between Luke and Sky but she had promised Shawn that these couple of days she will go to the gym to control her weight.

Last night she succumbed to grandma’s pressure to eat more, if Shawn finds out, she will definitely force her on the thread mill and run for miles.

In the car, Luke asks about the situation with her work.

Jenny is slightly overwhelmed and says everything, “There is an endorsement, the advertisement for Comfort Home’s soap will be produced in two days. The program at 8:30 on Friday is recorded once every fortnight. The next recording schedule is unknown. Shawn is negotiating the script in hand, and thereafter we will wait for the director to start filming. The company has arranged for Shawn and Cecilia to do visit the customers. I’m not too sure about the nitty-gritty. There is another endorsement for Eshmour…”

She pauses for a moment when she realizes that there is someone else in the car who so happens to be her competitor.

She doesn’t know how to continue and it didn’t look like Sky wants to speak.

“Sky, you participated in the interview for endorsing Eshmour, didn’t you?”

Luke asks, to open up this topic.

Once he says this, the awkwardness disappears.

“I didn’t know Jenny when I came back and didn’t know that my competitor would be her. Had I known, I wouldn’t have participated. At this point, it is kind of awkward.

Sky is warm and gentle in her reply. Her perfect smile looks like it is tailored for this moment.

The way she says it is like she will definitely get the endorsement role and Jenny is no match for her.

“There won’t be much information that you can know beforehand, so it’s a fair interview and fair competition.”

Luke’s tone is very calm as if it is a simple task.

Jenny feels that this is very fair and proper. There isn’t anything improper about it.

However, it is Sky who wants to probe for information, she laughs and asks, “Then brother Luke, between Jenny and I who will get this role?”

Jenny is sitting at the front passenger seat and cannot see Luke’s expression. She feels her back stiffen up.

In her understanding of Luke, he has always been a straight forward person. He will not lie or sugar coat his words just because the person is related to him. But at this point, it does appear that Sky has a better chance at the role. She has the fame, the reputation, and the poise for this role.

Except that it is difficult for her to stomach such a logical analysis.

“My ability to analyze can’t determine who wins amongst you.”

This sentence avoided the current topic.

He can see from the rearview mirror that Sky is smiling confidently.

She didn’t give up and continues, “Than who do you hope for?”

This question is as direct as they come.

Jenny frowns and tightens her grip on her bag.

“Being the boss of Jade Picture, I can’t be hoping that my competitor gets the role, can I?”


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