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Fall in Love After the Flash Marriage novel Chapter 146

After the midnight, Luke has a call and goes to the balcony to answer it. Soon after he left, Jenny’s backup mobile phone also rings. This is a call from Shawn who would like to inform her that there is some problem about her being the Brand Embassy of Eshmour.

“Jenny, come back as soon as possible. You have to check it by yourself. Eshmour never discusses anything with me.” Shawn says.

“Everything has been confirmed before. Right?” Jenny asks.

“Yes. It was done. But due to the incident, they might hear about some rumor. They did not wait for our clarification but already called our department to cancel all regarding jobs. “

A few seconds later, Shawn goes on, “And Comforters, also terminates your title for their brand and asks us to compensate according to our agreement. Our side rejected it so they plan to sue us.”

Jenny listens and replies, “Ok. I will be back soon.”

Shawn say, “And please note we have another issue. Will talk with you when you are here.”

When Jenny gets dress, Luke finishes the call and get into the room.

She says, “Luke, I am going back to Xicheng.”

“I know it. Now Let’s go and just leave all belongings here.”

“You got to know everything?” Jenny asks and watches him.

Luke answers with a grim look, “I will handle it. You follow me.”

Just now Luke received the call from Tom. He was told that Jessica’s Weibo with purpose to clarify misunderstanding was posted just a half day ago; she also publicly announced, on behalf of Brilliant Entertainment, to terminate the contract with Jade Picture. Several mistakes about Jade Picture were listed as well which mainly criticized its top management abuses authority for personal interests, treats the artists unequally and makes improper business.

There is a Mr. L from her announcement, alluding to Luke, to harass some female artists within the group. As a result, the price of Luke Up Group shares drops tremendously.

At this moment, in the VIP room of Xicheng Woman and Child Hospital.

Frankie Hill rushes here but finds nobody in the room. He asks a nurse passing by where the patient is.

Nurse answers with confusion, “NO.12 patient left hospital on yesterday afternoon.”

Frankie feels worried and starts to redial the number that he cannot get through since he read the news. As he estimates, he fails again but to dial Tony’s number and asks, “Hello, Tony. What’s going on?”

The voice from his mobile phone sounds in great panic, “I don’t know! Frankie, why Jessica is working for them and would like to sue us? Oh. Brilliant Entertainment will organize a press conference for her…”

“What are you fucking doing? Are you an artist agent?” Frankie holds off the call in a rage and takes a lift to leave.

He was woken up by an urgent call at 2 O’clock in the morning. He heard that Brilliant Entertainment announced in the name of Jessica Vogt, to terminate contract with Jade Picture and accuse Jade Picture as well as Jenny Jin of intentional assault.

Frankie stays with Jessica for a couple of days. She slept more time than that she is awake, so how and when Jessica starts to do with Brilliant Entertainment is still unknown. Anyway, he does not believe their relationship is built in one day.

The public discussion comes to an end just now and will not restart too soon; luckily after middle night, only few people read Weibo. Even so this is a breaking news that should call for all attention.

“I did you a favor. How do you appreciate it?” there is a man speaking hoarsely in the CEO office, on the top floor of Brilliant Entertainment building.

Myles Hopkins comes back at his office’s door, in sight of a slim lady standing in front of the French window.


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