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Fall in Love After the Flash Marriage novel Chapter 160

Michael’s endless pestering is annoying Shawn to no end, Shawn wants to strangle him to death so badly.

“How about this, I’ll take the cab. You should give Michael a ride, Shawn.”

Cecelia glances at Michael and Shawn upon hearing what Jenny says, she goes along tactfully and says, “Yeah, I’ll go with Jenny and will see her home safely.”


“What now, she is not famous, and nobody will recognize her. You should be more worried about my safety.” Michael is clearly determined that he is not going to leave unless things go his way. Though he isn’t the wisest when choosing his words, no wonder Shawn doesn’t like him back.

Jenny gives Michael a look of pity, she then exchanges glances with Cecelia who is well aware of what to do. They quickly hail a cab and leave, ignoring the yelling Shawn behind them.

Rather than her safety, Jenny is actually more worried that new gossips will hit the headlines the next day just because Michael got into the same van as her.

Usually, it is not that easy to be on the headlines, but recently it seems like it happens way too often for her.

She waves Cecelia goodbye as she reaches the front of her apartment building, she then turns around and goes upstairs.

She sees a long silhouette of a person from the lights by the stairs when she gets to the second floor.

She looks up and at first glance, the person looks very graceful.

Tracy is originally an actress and a ballet dancer for the army academy of art. She has a good aura and nice figure, she looks young and refined, and her taste in clothes is top-notch. She looks out of place sitting in Jenny’s small apartment, her graceful and imposing manner makes it feels like she should be sitting in a mansion and enjoying her afternoon tea instead.

Jenny is nervous, she pours some tea and put it on the tea table. She glances at Tracy carefully.

She must have something important to say, for her to come over so late in the night.

“Sorry for intruding, I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.”

“It’s totally fine.” Jenny quickly waves her hand, she looks at Tracy meekly and asks, “Is there something I can help you with?”

“Well, it’s not something that important. Luke’s father wanted me to go back to Beijing, I just wanted to see your family at least once before I leave. I wanted to sit down and have a talk with everybody, but you were quite busy recently. Though, I understand that fully, hence I came here directly.”

Jenny stays silent for a brief moment, her heart sinks.

“What’s wrong, is it inconvenient right now?”

“Well, no…” Jenny hesitates, “It’s just that, my parents have passed away.”

“Well, how about your grandparents from your father or mother side? Or maybe the relatives of your father or mother?” Tracy looks at Jenny up and down, “I heard that your family business was quite the big deal at L County.”

“My grandparents died a long time ago, my father was an only son, and we don’t have many relatives. Also… we don’t really see each other a lot.”

Jenny mutters and mumbles, she seems troubled.

“How about your maternal side? Is your mother an only child too?”

“My mother has a brother, but we don’t see each other either…”

She doesn’t really like to talk about her mother, or anything related to her.

It has been many years since her grandfather from her mother’s side passed away, but nobody from that side wants to see her. And it’s not like she never tries to go there, her grandmother just shuts the door in front of her face, and she is never welcomed.

“What happened? Why do you guys not get along?” Tracy mutters.

The expression on Jenny’s face turns rather stiff, she hesitates for a while and finally asks, “Must you meet them?”

Tracy is taken aback, it’s like she is the bad guy and is giving Jenny a hard time on purpose.

“Well, it’s fine then.” Tracy maintains her perfect smile, “There is no need to meet them if you guys don’t really see each other anymore, it’s just that it will be awkward if no blood relatives from your side attend the wedding. It would make us look bad and disrespectful, people might also start talking behind our back. I’m sure you know that the Lu family is prestigious, our guests are all famous and rich people. It would be quite embarrassing for us if they realize that nobody from your side of the family came, right?”


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