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Fall in Love After the Flash Marriage novel Chapter 43

The necklace on the neck slips and leaves a cool touch.

“Mr. Luke, your meal is ready.”

The waiter comes in time to break the rigid atmosphere of the moment.

Luke comes back his seat. Then, he lays the folded red handkerchief slowly in front of him, as if nothing happens.

He isn't going to give her the necklace back now.

Jenny cannot understand his temper. There are too many rumors about him outside and he is so indifferent that it is hard to get close to him. It is such an unapproachable person that suddenly wants to marry her.

“Let’s start to eat.”


The smell of steak helps them to forget the embarrassment.

Jenny lowers her head and stares at her plate, with an eager to finish the steak.

"Taste this." says Luke. His gentle speaking passes through the roses on the table, as if carrying a special fragrance to Jenny.

Jenny looks up and finds that it is not his words that have the aroma, but the cod steak he brings to her plate smells delicious.

The cod steak is sprinkled with a yellowish powder, but it still retains its original taste. This hotel is really good.

"Thanks, it's delicious." Jenny is a little nervous. Luke seems to be kind today, but she feels uncomfortable.

Out of politeness, Jenny tries to change a new topic to break such awkward atmosphere. "Are you good at food? I have been abroad before, and I don't know where the food is delicious when I come back. If you know, can you recommend some?”

Luke has intended to say no, but he changes his mind after hearing her words.

“I can take you there in the future.”

Luke gets a massage from George. “What about the hotel I book for you?”

Jenny is a food lover. When it comes to food, she starts to talk about her experience in Melbourne.

Luke occasionally nods in return to Jenny. Jenny has promised not to drink, but can not stop after tasting it.

Her father was a wine lover before. And Jin’s Wine was famous. In his cellar, there were a lot of rare wines with global limited quantity. Jenny grew up in such environment. Although the capacity has never increased, she becomes more and stricter about the quality of wine.

“This is the Cabernet Sauvignon of 1998!” She tastes it and looks at him.

Luke looks at her and compliments, "What do you think of it?"

“It will be better if it is sobered up for more time. This wine is really rare, and there are few in the world, so I am very surprised to be able to drink it here.”

Jenny drank several cups of wine in succession with Luke. The wine is worth millions. After opening it, if it is not drunk up, its taste will be not as good as before even it is sealed up. She is unwilling to waste it, so she drinks a lot.

"Do you know what the best way to make money is when working in bars abroad?"

Looking at Jenny’s red face, and hearing her words, Luke frowns. He becomes serious.

“Have you worked in a bar?”

“Yeah. I have to make money.” Looking at Luke’s serious expression, Jenny blinks her eyes and leans over the table laughing, “Oh, you think too much. Can’t someone work well in the bar? In fact, I can earn a lot of extra money. I can earn my tuition of half a year when only working for two months.”



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