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Fall in Love After the Flash Marriage novel Chapter 91

The referee explains the rules to Jennie and the crowd.

Jenny frowns, the rules aren't hard to understand, in a nutshell, it was the simplest way to add or subtract but you had to take a chance, and if you never find the correct unknown word you need, you needed to keep repeating all the drinks you'd had before.

"Hold on, I have something to say to my friend, this gentleman, I wonder if he would be willing to give me a moment." Jenny interrupts the game and looks across the room at the man.

The man looks at her and says slowly, "You'd better advise your friend not to boast, it's not nice to lose, and I don't feel comfortable when I win, and there's never been a woman in this competition before."

"She's a deep drinker, I’m looking for her to say something else."

There is a sudden burst of mocking laughter in the crowd, everyone is incredibly sizing up this woman who talks without brains, saying she is a deep drinker in the bar is tantamount to looking for death.

Also, there are not many people who dare to confront George in the bar, the girl who is not afraid of death is counted as one, and now this one comes out in the middle of the road, what exactly do you want.

Seeing no one stopping her, Jennie pulls Victoria to the restroom.

"What exactly do you want? Make it clear to me, or you're not allowed to go."

Victoria is pushed into the wall by her, her spine is hitting the tiles, and she can't help but cry out in pain and anger, "You're pushing me, I've got something to tell you, and it's about the interview today, and that idiot boss made me wait all day and finally told me that... The position designers are full, and they don't need anyone, so they let me go."

"Then what?"

"How could I leave, all my references and such are handed over by my mentor to my boss at IMC, there was absolutely no way I could change jobs. The bartender told me that the man they have here is IMC's famous head designer, if he'd help, I'd keep my job."

But inside this bar, the man's condition for helping is to win over him on this game of Lucky Star.

"Are you sure you can win?" Jennie is still worried about her.

"You don't trust my ability to drink?"

"But aren't you afraid that even if you've drunk someone, they're going to deny it?"

Victoria waves her fist, "If he dares to play tricks on me, I'll let him have a taste of this fist." Jenny is afraid of this situation.

"No, I won't allow you to participate in the competition." Jenny blocks her way.

"Why?" Victoria stares, "This is my only chance now, that pervert boss, I have to find a chance to meet him, even though he doesn't want to hire me, and I've will try my best to get my information back, and this man says he has a way of doing it."

"Do you know who this man is?"

Jenny frowns and wonders if she should tell her.

"I don't care who he is, he'd better be the kind of person who's a god in Montana City and can completely suppress my faulty boss."

When it comes to the boss, Victoria is speaking with a face of anger, "You don't know that if I see that pervert then, I would have torn him apart with my hands."

Hearing this, Jenny hesitates and swallows back the words she is about to say.

It is better not to say anything about this while she is drinking.

"You have to promise me that no matter what the result is, you can't start a fight, so I'll let you go."


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