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Fall in Love After the Flash Marriage novel Chapter 98

"Okay, you always say this every time." Shawn coughs more and sees the waiter is coming.

This place is near to Jade Pictures, there are a few artists who come to eat, and the waiter is used to it and doesn't feel anything.

"Are you hungry, do you want some porridge?"

Shawn asks a question.

Jenny has no appetite at all when she looks at the porridge, she shakes her head, "It's fine, I'm losing weight."

Shawn nods her head and looks like she appreciates it.

Jenny is leaning on the back of the chair and drinking tea, she has eaten before coming to the office. So, she is not hungry at this moment.

Shawn receives a phone call when she is eating, and when she answers the phone, she looks gloomy and looks at Jenny for several times, which makes Jenny thinks that this matter is related to herself.

After hanging up the phone, Shawn lowers her head and continues to eat, Jenny does not dare to ask more questions.

She asks carefully when Shawn finishes her meal, "Who's call is it?"

"The assistant director of that Elizabeth movie," Shawn answers as she wipes her mouth. She is looking nervous, and left hurriedly after dropping a sentence, "I still have things to do, I'll leave first, be careful when you go home."

Jenny is standing up and asking after her, "Shawn, are they saying something?"

She feels that this matter is related to her. Elizabeth is another female artist under Shawn. These years she has been acting supporting roles, and hard to get a leading role, finally she can get the female leading role and the male leading role is Michael. Shawn is taking this chance very seriously, and Elizabeth also.

"I don't know yet, it's said that Michael's side is unwilling to work with Elizabeth. This is the first female leading role drama that Elizabeth has a hard time to get. I'll go see and check it out."

"I'll go with you."

"What are you going to do?" Shawn frowns at her, "The hospital is a crowded place, you can't go to see Michael, so go home, don't go anywhere, go back and treating your skin with masks and getting ready for the endorsement, do you hear me?"

Jenny stands still, she is feeling her steps are weighing a thousand pounds.

Shawn is also doing her parts good, but she feels that it is not that simple, not to mention that Michael is a vengeful person. From the fact that he is very serious about his work, but this time he rejects all the activities, that means that he has an illness, so what is going on last night?

On the way home in the taxi, she hesitates for a long time to call the director of the variety show she and Michael have participated in, fortunately, she left the number for the convenience of contacting her when she was filming.

The person who receives her call seems a little surprised, "Jenny? Is there something I can do for you?"

"Well, I heard that Teacher Song is sick, and last night you called Shawn, what's going on?"

"Yesterday didn't we get together, Teacher Song came out first, then he said he went to the restroom, but when you came out and he didn't come back, we couldn't call him, so we thought he had left. So, we didn't bring him to dinner. Who knew that Mr. Song's agent called me in the midnight and say Teacher Song couldn't be found, and I didn't have your number, so I had a calls with your agent and want to ask if you knew about it, but it didn't get through, and then that side said they already found him, so I didn't bother you."

The other side of the phone seems to be thirsty and drinks a glass of water, "It's weird, that side didn't tell me exactly where they found him. But he has rejected a lot of activities today, saying that he is sick with pneumonia and that he is hospitalized, and I just came back from the hospital to offer my condolences on behalf of the cast."

Michael's director is a young guy, a simple-minded person, who only tells what he knows, but Jenny has pretty much understood.


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