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Fatal Temptation: Between Two Alphas novel Chapter 28

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Enough!” Morgan steps forward. She raises her hands. The runes explode off her wrists like shrapnel, spearing into the stones and into at least one wolf.

I am knocked off my feet.

I didn’t know she had power like that.

From the gasps and screams of the pack–they didn’t know a witch could have power like that either.

“I said, ‘Enough!’” she screams.

The fire churns even brighter, flames glowing in red and purple and blue. Wind rages through the circle.

The Elders shift.

The pack moves…like a pack. Wolves grouping together into a wall of snarling fangs and snapping teeth. They move from outside the sacred stones into the inner sanctum.

Morgan blows back the frontline wolves with a gust of wind that sends them tumbling into the wolves behind them.

Then she calls the flames. And they rise.

Like a sheet of fire, the swirling inferno grows.

Two wolves catch me before I can stand back up–the decree has been issued, and even amid this madness, they will see that the Alpha’s will is done. One of them bites my leg and I scream in pain.

Morgan gathers her magic and the blast of wind and fire she unleashes rocks through the circle in waves.

Wolves whimper and reel.

They burn and are tossed into the stones.

All at once, I’m slammed to the ground, the two wolves who held me are gone–they roll and howl as they burn. I shove to my hands and knees and gasp for air. My leg is mangled and I’m losing blood.

Before I can stand, I’m ripped back by my hair.

A knife presses to my throat. “Stop! Now!” Alpha Healmsworth growls.

Morgan freezes. She sways on her feet.

The pack is regrouping. The scent of burnt hair and ash is heavy in the air. After the maelstrom of wind and fire, the stillness of the night is unnerving.

There is no sound.

Only the harsh breathing of humans and beasts, and the crackling of the fire that has dimmed to a low burn.

I’m going to die now.


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