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Fated to Them (book 1+2) novel Chapter 61

Read Fated to Them by Jessica Hall Chapter 61 – Addelyn POV

1 week Later

Getting back to the house, I flop on the couch. Eli had given us many rants today about the importance of me being marked. He was driving me insane and I am pretty sure Cyrus was also becoming annoyed over it. I was at the point where I was going to just tell Cyrus to do it, just to shut Eli up.

My mother still hasn’t messaged me back since I messaged her a week ago, her phone was also saying it was disconnected making me worry. Taylor had messaged a few times saying mum was extremely busy with work and had even started working back at the hospital part time and although, I have barely been here a week I missed home. Missed Maya, missed my busy life. Here I was bored and besides Eli’s ranting about being marked they never really said much.

“What is wrong?” Cyrus says sitting on the couch next to me.

“Nothing I miss home”

“Ah, it will get easier,” Cyrus says.

“Can I go”-

“You are not leaving till you are marked and mated” Eli cuts me off. I roll my eyes. Getting up off the lounge and walking into the laundry and digging out the load I put on this morning. Eli followed behind me.

“You want to go visit home Addie, let Cyrus mark you” He says and I ignore him reaching to the bottom of the barrel.

“Why do you keep fighting it, it is inevitable it will happen so why not just let him mark you, then I will let you visit your family” Eli says.

“Just go away Eli I am sick and tired of hearing this same lecture, I swear you give it just to hear yourself speak” I tell him. He growls pushing me against the washer.

“All week I have listened to your attitude, you need to knock it off”

“Gladly, shut up about me being marked and I will”

“You will give in eventually, Addie. You will go into heat soon,” He says. Another thing he keeps going on about, some heat that will supposedly have me throwing myself at them.

I shove past him walking outside and to the clothesline. The door slamming shut from the breeze behind me. The sun was going down as I walked to the clothesline. I quickly hang out the washing while I can still see. Walking back though, I get this strange feeling I am being watched. I haven’t heard from Sam since the day in the cafe but had this constant feeling I was being watched all the time which left me on edge. Which out here was crazy, there was only one road leading to the property and you would see car lights from a mile away out here. Shaking off the feeling I walk back inside.

Eli was making homemade pizza when I walked in. I walk off into the room retrieving my phone that I accidentally left here this morning. Grabbing it, I turned my phone screen on and felt instant relief when I saw a message from my mother apologising for not calling and that she has been on night shift. I message her back telling her to ring me when she can.

Going on facebook, I log in and see a message request. Clicking on it a smile creeps onto my face. Sam had finally got facebook. I open the message.

Sam: Try to stay home tomorrow. It says. How did he know where we live?

ME: Will try, they don’t like leaving me alone by myself. I replied. I see the little icon saying he is typing and I wait.

Sam: Tell them you feel sick.

Me: Will try, how do you know where we live?

Sam: Followed you from work. He replies.

Me: Not creepy at all, stalker alert!

Chapter 61 1

Chapter 61 2


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