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Fates Hands novel Chapter 107

Chapter 9Book 3

##Warning Language##

The beast was returning home to his mistress, though he wondered for how much longer. The blood bond she tricked him into so long ago was growing thin. He could feel with each new moon it was getting weaker. It was just a matter of time before he would be free.

He was getting pretty tired of being her whipping post and her gopher. He just had to be patient. For now, he will bide his time, hopefully, the weaker the bond gets the more of his memory he will regain.

He was already getting snippets of images but they didn’t make much sense. They were memories of fighting a great battle, he was on a horse in chainmail and armor. He had lifted his sword in the air and just as

he was about to see more the memory stopped.

There was another memory of a beautiful woman who was naked under a waterfall. Then the images disappear into a fog.

Soon, very soon he will be free.

Wait till she finds out he doesn’t have a sample of the girl’s blood, time for yet another whipping. The bond has made it easier to withhold from her that is unless she does that mind rape crap.

Still, she doesn’t do it often simply because it takes a lot of her energy. He wasn‘t going to give her any more information than necessary. If she wants it she was going to have to go diving in his head for it.

Anna was just sitting in the big

overstuffed chair in the living room, watching August secure the windows and doors. She didn’t know what it was but she found him irresistible. She was going to be 18 in a couple of months but still, he was too old for


There is no way that he would ever consider a relationship with someone as young as she was. He would want a woman closer to his age, one that is sophisticated and beautiful. Not a nerd with freckles.

That didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the scenery. She was waiting for Rachel to come down and start explaining things. Her mind started to drift and went back to that beast as it was sniffing the air and looking at her.

She remembered its eyes how they looked almost human and held an intelligence in them. Oh, god what

about her friends are they ok? Did they get away from it?

The thoughts running through her mind took over it was like she was trapped in a nightmare that she couldn’t find the way out of.

August was busy making sure that everything was locked down tight. He was aware of Anna watching him and he had to admit that he liked it a lot. So did Khan his lion, he had been acting strange since they met Anna. Rolling around purring.

That was when August started to hear a low sound like a moan. He looked over at Anna and she was tightly curled up in the chair, she was visibly shaking and holding her head moaning.

Without thinking he rushed over to

her. He kneeled in front of the chair, taking one close look at her he could tell that she was having a flashback.

“Anna!” “Anna!” “Anna, it’s ok you are safe it can’t get to you here. I am here I won’t let it get you, I promise. Follow my voice, do what you need to, please come back to me”

He reached out and touched her arm instantly sparks flew between them, he knew what that meant. It didn’t matter right now. Just as he thought that maybe she couldn’t hear him, she launched out of the chair and into his arms. She was crying her heart out in fear.

Rachel and Archer came running down the stairs, Rachel instantly got down on the floor with them.

“What’s wrong with her?

“She has had a flashback, I think it

had to do with that beast that was after her.”

Rachel tried to take Anna out of August’s arms but Anna wouldn’t let go of him.

“It’s ok Rachel, I got her. I will stay with her till she has recovered.”

August looked at Archer, mind linking them.

“I will take care of her. Don’t worry I know she is too young, I will wait don’t be concerned. She is my true mate and I can at least make her feel safe. It would kill me if I couldn’t at least do that for her.”


“I will also fill her in on things she needs to know. I will do everything I can for her, except take her as my mate. But know this when she is ready I will not hold back. Even though I can’t claim her yet, she is

still mine.”


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