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Fates Hands novel Chapter 11

Chapter 11 

Duncan and Adira looked over the little cabin in awe. Adira thought it was the best thing she had ever seen. It had everything they could ever need, it had a warm and cozy feeling to it. It made her feel safe. She did blush a little when she saw the bedroom, knowing that they would be sharing it. The thought of sharing a bed with Duncan, surprisingly didn‘t bother her at all

Everytime they touched there would be these little tingles along her skin, she found that she really like them. They made her think of things, she only had read in her romance novels. She really enjoyed his kissing, it made her weak in the knees and hot at her core. His scent though is what drove her crazy.

She felt safe when he had her in his arms, she wanted to kiss him again and maybe more if Artemis had her way. Artemis has been a little more quiet about pushing Adira, giving her more time to get used to all the new things. All this freedom without having to be sneaky about it was sometimes overwhelming. Lately though she found that she was looking less and less over her shoulder or thinking things are a trap

She looked at Duncan as he was making a fire in 

Its ok he is our mate he will not harm us or reject our affections.” 

Adira tentatively reached her hand out and touched his shoulder

It was the lightest of touches but Duncan could feel it all they way to his toes. He closed his eyes and relished the feeling, she was trusting him enough to touch him. He had to calm down Apollo, telling him to take it easy let her dictate how much for now

Duncan did reach up to his shoulder and touch her hand, there were the sparks that drove him crazy, he took a deep breath and they stood there like that in silence for a little while. Then she did something that really surprised him, she moved forward till the front of her body was completely touching the back of his, she then wrapped her arms around him and just stayed like that for another long while

She was showing him her trust and that she was willing to move things up another notch


Duncan knew he had to go slow but this show of trust really made him happy

He turned into her hug so they were facing each 

other, he wrapped his arms around her in another hug. The sparks amped up and she let out a little moan of pleasure, it was almost his undoing. He pulled back slowly and returned to getting a fire going

Adira stood there for a little bit unsure of what just happened but decided she liked it

Duncan decided to make some conversation to keep things a little more toned down

So my little wolf, how did you get wolfsbane in your system?” 

I am not sure when it first happend, I think it was a gradual thing so I wouldnt notice. It was in the food I was stealing from the kitchen. I knew that it had become too easy. One night though it got really bad for Artemis, I stopped going to the kitchen for food after that.” 

When I went to school I would get us some breakfast and lunch and that is where I would eat my meals.” 

When I was old enough I got a job at the hotel where we met, it at first didn‘t pay that much 


Artemis and I pretended to still be weak, we never shifted unless we really needed to and never where they could see us. Staying away from Alpha Micheal wasnt easy, he is really a creeper. I learned that he didnt like the end of town where I worked, the woods behind that hotel was almost never used and if it was it was by lower ranking wolves.” 

He did though rent rooms there and always made sure that it was in a section I was assigned to. He would have girls with him and sometimes my father too. They would drink a ton of really nasty smelling alcohol, what ever it was it came in jars like the one you can things in.” 

One night just as I was almost done with my shift they called the desk and requested more towels and sheets. Five minutes just five minutes and I would of been out of there and never seen nor experienced what they were doing. No, I have five minutes left of my shift, so up I went to their room with sheets and towels.” 

I knocked on the door, Housekeeping.”

didnt say it too loud I really didnt want them to hear me, it is hotel policy that if you request service and then dont answer the door, then that service can be denied.” 

Duncan could see she was starting to shake and tense up, he put his arms around her and sat her down on the couch in his lap. She didnt say anything just leaned back into him, like she wanted him to keep her safe as she told the story

Unfortunately I heard a Come IN!“, I opened the door and there they were, every last one of them naked. Uncle Micheal was smirking as he reached out for the towels, looking down at his crotch were there was a girl sucking on him. He said in a growl that he needed extra towels for 


To bad you are not working tomorrow morning, then you would have the pleasure of picking up all these towels, I bet you would smell and lick them too. Its the benefit program for hotel workers.He winked at me and I turned to leave

That was when my really drunk father tried to rip open the top of my uniform, the things he was saying were horrid and nasty. I got away and ran to the front desk, reporting their behavior to the clerk. One good thing came out 

behavior to the clerk. One good thing came out of it, because that hotel is mostly for humans, Alpha and my father were never allowed in again

Still after that I never fully slept in my room ever again

Duncan just held her in his arms, she leaned into him again resting her head on his chest. He tilted her chin to look him in the eye, I promise Adira that will never happen to you ever again. I will kill anyone who lays a hand on you ever again.He bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips

It wasnt ment to be passionate, only show her that he will protect her always. The fire inside them both took it as an invitation as she responded he made the kiss deeper as she started moaning in pleasure. He pulled back from the kiss before it got out of hand, if that were to happen again though he wasn‘t so sure he would be strong enough to resist the temptation


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