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Fates Hands novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27

###WARNING!!### (Violence, Language and Graphic Dark Death scene. ######WARNING##### D

Adira sat quietly in her room, with a sigh she thought of what things would of been like if she had never found Duncan. She doubted that she would be still alive or wishing she was dead anyway.

Still who would of thought that the road would lead here, it was a dark and gloomy day outside. Perfect for how she was feeling about the upcoming event of the day. It wasn’t going to be pleasant and she didn’t relish the part she has to play.

The Prince did make his own bed, now he will have to sleep forever in it. The saddest thing was all the victims he will be leaving in his wake. The poor King to have to be facing this not only as The King but a father as well.

The Prince was awakend by a servant, she was a cute little thing dressed all in black. She put the tray down at the table infront of him, he slapped her butt as she tried to get out of the way. He giggled at her ” You’re gonna have to

12:56 PM2.6Kese get faster then that if you want to get away from

  1. me.

She said nothing and opened the door so the Kings personal butler could come in, he was carrying garments for the prince. He said not one word as he attended his bath and helped getting him ready, making sure that the prince was properly dressed into his formal black uniform. When he was done the butler walked out without showing any respect, not a nod or a


Adam swore under his breath, that stuffy old codger, he will be the first to go when I am king. That old fool had seen too many of Adam’s sins, always looking down his nose at him. Always trying to warn his father about what he liked to do. Father would brush it aside though.

Prince Adam looked outside, it was a dark and cold, dismal late fall day. The rain was removing the last of the fall leaves. It was positively gloomy, perfect weather for him to bend the knee to repent his sins. They were all such dull and useless fools, his father the King of the fools. When you all least expect it, I will kill you all in your sleep.

The Prince looked at the garments but didn’t give them much more thought. The somber look will only help in his defense, if they think he

12:56 PMI 1.4KB/s has learned his lesson then all the better. He would be the picture of the most perfectly pious of prince’s. He did notice that none of his royal decorations were on his uniform. Probally part of his punishment, to try to humiliate him.

After the Prince was washed and dressed he was left alone for about half an hour. Then two guards dressed in their finest escorted him out of the room, the prince walked in his most high and mighty walk.

Head held high in the air, he had perfected the walk and was proud of himself. He did wonder why the halls were so empty? Asking one of his guards, they told him that the king thought it was best to close down the court and send everyone home during this time.

He thought that that was clever of his father, that way there would be no witnesses to this farce of a trial. They will think he got his just punishment and that is that.

When the two guards stopped in front of the black and silver double doors of the High Council, Prince Adam was taken a back a little, why are they taking him here instead of the royal throne room.

When they opened the doors, the room was filled with all of the High Council, something

12:56 PM 1.3KB/S the prince has never seen, except in books about war. The guards took him to the circle in the center of the room where he was supposed to stand

He looked around but his father The King was not in the room. His chair stood empty. He looked all around but to his horror the only other person on the floor standing was the executioner, Adam couldn’t see his face it was covered by a heavy cowl. Under the cowl he wore a long black robe.

“Prince Adam …………

Adam was bored hearing his name and all his titles, blah blah blah blah…..He rolled his eyes in annoyance. It wasn’t until the end that he wasn’t sure he heard what the Head Council said…there was no way he heard that right.

………...….you stand before us accused of treason, misappropriation of money from the peoples treasury, for use in a variety of criminal acts, murder of several young men and boys, conspiracy to commit murder of the King, sexual acts with minors and unlawful selling of forbidden drugs.

“Prince Adam how do you plead?”

The prince just stood there speechless, he

“Very well, we searched and searched, however no one wanted the job, until one person asked for it.”

“All I ask of you members of the High Council, is that you do not make the Prince’s execution a public spectacle, not for the Princes sake but for the King’s.


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