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Fates Hands novel Chapter 62


Chapter 62 

The King aka Santa Claus deliverd presents to all the children in the two orphanges, that had taken in the human survivors of the scientists

All of the children got a present, the orphanages got a huge donation, not only in money but in needed items. As well as contractors were coming after Christmas to fix and upgrade all of their electric, water and sewer systems. Also to add on additonal rooms as well.

Then when he was finished he went back to Duncans pack house, just like cinderella and her pumpkin everything changed back into only the King. The Kind decided he was going to make that a tradition every Christmas, unless of course the real Santa showed up and was not happy


Lily was waiting for him, she was nothing but glowing smiles these days. A change he was happy to be part of. He could tell that she was still a little nervous, about seeing her sister again. He put his arm around her and pulled her in for a quick kiss

Lets go and get some breakfast, the sun is now up and I am not only needing a nap but I am starving. Playing Santa Claus for the night, was very rewarding and exhausting at the same time.” 

They went into the pack house, breakfast was in the huge pack dining area, it was served buffet style today. They were not lacking in anything for breakfast today. They even had a make your own waffle station

The King loaded up on almost everything, when he sat down with 

Lily and a few of his guards, he was happy to note that although everyone knew who he was, they didn‘t pay him that much attention. It was refreshing to be just one of the pack again

Marnie was up and getting ready to go down to breakfast, when her bedroom door opened up. There was Ash holding a really big tray, filled with anything and everything. Most important though, he also had on the tray, a carafe of coffee with two mugs

Good you are not dressed yet, why dont you climb back into bed and we will have breakfast in bed.” 

She didnt get into bed though, instead she went over and sat on the couch by the windows. She patted the spot next to her with a half sleepy smile He took the tray and sat it 


Lily and a few of his guards, he was happy to note that although everyone knew who he was, they didn‘t pay him that much attention. It was refreshing to be just one of the pack again

Marnie was up and getting ready to go down to breakfast, when her bedroom door opened up. There was Ash holding a really big tray, filled with anything and everything. Most important though, he also had on the tray, a carafe of coffee with two mugs

Good you are not dressed yet, why don‘t you climb back into bed and we will have breakfast in bed.” 

She didnt get into bed though, instead she went over and sat on the couch by the windows. She patted the spot next to her with a half sleepy smile He took the tmavand satit  down on the coffee table and went to her side of the couch

Picking her up and then sitting on the couch, putting her on his lap. She giggled at that, he poured them each a cup of coffee, two creams and a sugar. Just the way she liked it. Once they had some coffee, Ash began picking things off of the tray to feed her

She would let her lips linger on his fingers, she loved the cinnamon roll it was so sticky. She would suck on his fingers when her brought her some. She would look into his eyes and see them grow darker with passion. She loved to tease him

Everytime see would see that look on his face, she would tingle all over and she would also be affected by it as well. It was a wonderful Christmas morning.



She couldnt wait to give him his present, later on after the ball. The whole Santa Claus showing up, was something she still hadnt given much thought, sometimes it is best to just go with it. She was mystified though when she opened her present

It was a little raggedy ann doll, she had when she was little, she had lost it in the forest when she was six years old. How did he know? She guessed it was like the magician, showing his secrets would lessen the magic

Though the road has been a bit rough lately, Marnie was happy that it was turning out to be a really great Christmas. She couldnt wait to wear her new gown, it was super sexy in a really great way. It was cherry red silk that hung in all the right places to show off her assets

She was going to blow Ashs mind

Adira was waking up to Duncan singing softly to his son. It was one of those moments in time, that will stay till you die. She lay there watching them together, he was still too little to do much, when you looked into his eyes, you could tell he was taking it all in

When he noticed that she was awake and watching him, he grinned from ear to ear. Bringing little Alex over to her so she could give him his breakfast. Now it was Duncans turn to watch and take memory

He waited for his mate to be finished with their pup, once he was sleeping once again, Duncan reached into his top drawer and pulled out a long box and a square flat box. He wrapped them in gold paper and bows

This my little wolf is for you, Merry Christmas.” 

She opened the first box, it was a necklace and matching earings of diamonds and saphires. They were gorgeous. The smaller long box was next in it was the matching bracelet to the set. She was dumbfounded. They were gorgeous

Duncan was a little worried because she had gone so quiet. Then she started to cry. She jumped from her spot on the bed, straight into his arms. Duncan they are simply the most wonderful and beautiful jewels I have ever seen, they make me feel like a queen

He chuckled in relief, they are the packs, Luna gems. They have been worn by my great grandmother, grandmother and my mother. Now they belong to you. Someday if we have a daughter, then they will go on to her.” (10 

She opened the first box, it was a necklace and matching earings of diamonds and saphires. They were gorgeous. The smaller long box was next in it was the matching bracelet to the set. She was dumbfounded. They were gorgeous

Duncan was a little worried because she had gone so quiet. Then she started to cry. She jumped from her spot on the bed, straight into his arms. Duncan they are simply the most wonderful and beautiful jewels I have ever seen, they make me feel like a queen

He chuckled in relief, they are the packs, Luna gems. They have been worn by my great grandmother, grandmother and my mother. Now they belong to you. Someday if we have a daughter, then they will go on to her.” 

That is why you wanted to pick the color of my ball gown for tonight, so that I could wear these.” 

Duncan, I didnt have time to go shopping for you though, what could I give you that would equal this?” 

My sweet little Wolf, you already have given me my present, something that can not be compared or equaled to. You gave me your trust, your love and finally you gave me our first pup. No jewels can compare to that.” 

He pulled her in for a long passionate kiss, she could tell he was going to want a lot more. It was unfortunatly going to have to wait till later after the ball

She pulled back with a smile that held promise, then she started to back away

We can not go any further than that 


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