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Fates Hands novel Chapter 87

Chapter 22Book 2

##WARNING Sex, violence, and language.##

Jack sat next to Nova in total gooey bliss. He had six of the sticky rolls of goodness, yet his bear was wanting more and was willing to shift right there in the dining room so he could eat the rest of the pan.

Jack on the other hand was too full to let that happen, his second Sam was all but covered in the glaze. Licking his fingers and then eating another. Sam even went over to Nova and planted a big sticky kiss on her cheek. He then informed Jack that he was never to let this one go.

Nova was taking the whole thing with laughter and a bit of horror at how much they were eating. She was still only eating her first.

Jack looked over at the little bowl of the glaze she saved for him. He had plans for the glaze. He was going to take it up to their room and lick it off of every inch of Nova. It is going to be absolute bliss.

Then when they were done they would be off to another hot shower for some more. He loved Nova covered in the steamy water and


Brutus was not paying attention to any of Jack’s thoughts until he stated what he wanted to do with the glaze. It was he all could do to calm Brutus down.

“You could let her finish her sticky roll first.”

He was like a kid in the candy store with a 100 dollar bill. Jack just laughed and watched Nova eat her roll, he was finding even that erotic.

Not wanting to wait any longer he grabbed the bowl of glaze and reached for Nova’s hand. Together they went up to their room laughing all the way.

When they arrived at their bedroom Nova ran into the bathroom and locked the door giggling all the way.

Jack sat the bowl of glaze on the table by the bed, grabbed a sheet off the bed, then laid it over the couch. He took off his clothes and sat naked on the bed in impatient excitement.

When the bathroom door opened, there stood Nova in all her naked glory. She was truly his goddess. When she noticed the sheet on the

floor her whole body started to blush.

“I had no idea that the upside-down sticky rolls would be such a big hit. If this is your reaction to sticky rolls I

wonder what you are going to do when you taste my black magic chocolate cake.”

She looked Jack over and it was clear that he was ready for what was going to be a wonderfully long night.

Jack laid her down on the sheet, standing over her he began to drizzle the warm glaze down upon her skin, he drizzled it everywhere, paying close attention to her breasts, inner thighs, and her pussy.

When he was out of glaze he began to lick it off her, first her neck then lower, he spent a lot of time on her breasts, suckling at both nipples till they were hard little rocks. Still, he went lower, circling her belly button. Moaning at all the delicious glaze.

He lifted one leg and with his tongue went in one long lick from her ankle to her inner thigh, making a playful

nip at her clit and then lifting the other leg to start all over again.

Nova felt she was going insane with pleasure, she would jerk in sensitivity every time he gave her clit a playful nip, she was already dripping wet with more than just glaze.

She couldn’t hold still, she was arching her back and grabbing fist fulls of the sheet.

“Jack, please stop teasing. please Brutus make him stop and give me everything

She didn’t know if it was Jack, Brutus, or both but they entered her in one swift thrust. She screamed in delight and pleasure. She felt that she was going to burst into flames.

She looked into their eyes and to her joy, she saw both of them looking – back at her, they had soo much

pleasure in their eyes, Jack was making growling noises as he threw his head back and violently began thrusting faster and faster, it was wild and primal so intense that Nova wasn’t sure if she was going to pass out, as they both screamed at their climaxes.

James woke up to the dancing lights. He thought he was dreaming at first, then he realized that the lights were coming from outside his bedroom window.

He opened the curtains and stared in horror at his burning shed. His life work going up in flames. He rushed to put on his pants as he ran outside. When he got near the shed he realized that it was way too late, it was all gone.

How did this happen, he was certain

“I don’t want that bag anywhere inside the house, you must find another place for it. It will also have to be blessed or something. There is a lot of perverted angry energy hanging around that bag.”


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