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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 168

Now that she's back home, except for Olina still being the same, only a few friends and relatives drop by from time to time. The hustle and bustle of the past was no more.

Megan welcomed Olina into the house, having the servants serve coffee and desserts.

"We're tight, so if you're having a hard time, feel free to spill. I'll help you out as much as I can, and if I can't, I'll try to find someone who can."

In Pinehurst, Olina ranked higher than Megan, both in the past and now.

Megan might not be able to genuinely help Olina; she just wanted to show her support and earn Olina’s trust.

As for Stefan, that's a lost cause.

Megan's only hope was to make sure her daughter Ruby ends up with Owen.

Ruby's jail time was almost up.

Once she’s out, Megan needed to have a heart-to-heart with her and convince her to let go of her obsession with Stefan.

Stefan wasn’t heartless; it’s just that his heart belonged to someone else now.

"Trenton pissed me off."

Olina complained to Megan.

"How did he piss you off?"

Megan asked with concern. She knew that the real power in the Martinez family still lied with Trenton. Owen was just a figurehead.

This was different for Stefan. Even though he took his mother's surname, he was the real power in the Anderson family. The older generation had stepped back, and his siblings all looked up to Stefan.

Maybe that was one of the reasons why Ruby was so hung up on Stefan.

If she married Stefan, she would be the wife of the head of the Anderson family. But if she married Owen, she would still have Trenton looming over her, with others in her generation eyeing Owen’s power. Naturally, marrying Stefan would be more appealing.

"Trenton isn't unreasonable. He does a lot of things and says a lot of things for your own good. Don't hold grudges against him; the wisdom of the old is precious."

"No, he's just a tyrant."

Every time Olina thought about how her son was forced by Trenton to marry a woman with no family background, she would get pissed.

"My son, who Trenton claims is a genius, was raised by him and his wife. Even though we live together and I can still be close to my son, I have almost no say in his upbringing and education as his mother."

"Now, with Owen's marriage, they didn't even ask for my opinion before making a decision. You tell me, how can I not be pissed?"

Listening to her, Megan felt a heavy weight on her heart and quickly asked, "Is Trenton arranging Owen's marriage? Which family’s daughter did he have his eye on?"

Megan knew Trenton didn't like her daughter.

But both Owen and his mother were fond of her daughter. That's why she was confident. After all, Owen was the CEO; he had real power. As long as he insisted and as long as Ruby was willing to marry Owen, she could definitely become part of the Martinez family.

Once Trenton kicked the bucket, the Martinez family would truly fall into Owen's hands. Her daughter could become the wife of an heir to a large family.

In the past, Trenton had considered arranging for Owen to meet other rich girls, but Owen had turned them all down.

"If it was a rich girl, I wouldn't be so pissed. I really don’t have anything against helping Ruby. You know I've always liked Ruby; I've treated her like my own daughter, and I've always wanted her to end up with Owen."

"But Trenton made this decision out of the blue. My husband and I had no clue. By the time we found out, it was too late. Owen had already married this nobody named Cecilia. Cecilia's family is just average; she's nowhere near good enough for the Martinez family in any aspect."


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