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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 300

Cecilia eyed Stefan's angry face, nervously saying, "I'm not sure either. Lucy left before us."

Stefan had a stormy look on his face. He whipped out his phone and dialed Owen, "Owen, get over here; Cecilia's with me."

"Where are you?" Owen asked.

He was standing near the restroom, unsure whether he should go in to look for someone.

Stefan glanced around and said, "I'm not sure where I am. It's my first time in a place like this."

Tiffany chimed in, "Just go straight from the right exit. It'll take you to the back door..."

Before she could finish, two members of the Anderson family were giving her the evil eye.

Tiffany realized she might have said something wrong and wished she could hide. She felt exposed.

Cecilia looked at her sympathetically.

Tiffany turned to Liam.

Liam looked furious. He growled, "Tiffany, you're a regular, huh? You know your way around here well?"

Tiffany gave an awkward laugh and said, "It's for business. I'm promoting Paisley Group's new men's skincare products. The staff here earn good money and like to take care of themselves, so I targeted them as customers. It's profitable."

"Why haven't you promoted any new products to me? I make good money too, and I like taking care of myself."

Tiffany said, "Don't worry, I won't overlook you. I do like good-looking guys."

"Am I not good-looking? I'm handsome too. Feel free to sit down and admire!"

Tiffany fell silent.

Liam's words left her speechless, and she chose to remain silent.

Their situation became complicated because of one small action from Cecilia.

Sometimes, silence was the best choice. Otherwise, it might cause trouble.

"Bro, I'm going first." Liam was about to leave with Tiffany.

Stefan stopped him and said, "You help Owen look after his girlfriend first. I'll go find Lucy."

Owen had just found out their location through the phone and was rushing over.

"Tiffany, Cecilia, you better tell me where Lucy is now."

Cecilia awkwardly said, "Lucy left before us. I'm not sure where she is now. But she probably left through the front door. If she didn't wait for us, she might have hitched a ride with someone else. If she was waiting for us, she might still be near the front door."

Stefan looked at their outfits and had an idea. Seeing Owen rushing over, he left them and turned to leave.

Neon Nectar Nightclub wasn't really a male host club, but it was a mixed place that could easily cause trouble. And the people who came here all had certain statuses and backgrounds.

Among Ascend Global's partners, there were several female CEOs who had privately expressed curiosity about Neon Nectar Nightclub, but Stefan never arranged for them to come. If they wanted to come themselves, that was their business.

Therefore, tonight was Stefan's first time setting foot in this club.

As an adult man, he avoided places like this, but he didn't expect Lucy to come here with Tiffany.

Tiffany was even worse. She was so familiar with this club, obviously a regular. It was typical of her bold and carefree attitude to show up here.

Anyway, it was his brother's problem to worry about.

Stefan just wanted to take Lucy home and give her a good scolding.

Oh, she was on vacation right now, so he would keep a tally and settle the score once her vacation was over.

After Stefan left, Liam also left with Tiffany.

Only Cecilia was left to face Owen.

Now, she was no longer afraid.

She even tugged at her suit, asking Owen, "Do I look good in this suit? If I cut my hair short, I'd definitely look like a cool guy."

Owen grabbed her wrist and led her away.


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