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Faux Vows, True Desires novel Chapter 80

Fiona paused, then went on, "If you're really pregnant, you can choose to have an abortion. If you don't want to, have the baby. Your dad and I will help take care of it. We won't let the child affect your chances of getting married again."


"Lucy, don't blame me for being harsh. I'm doing this for your own good."

Lucinda sighed helplessly, "Mom, you should let me speak too."

"Alright, go on."

Fiona immediately gave her daughter a chance to speak.

"Stefan doesn’t want to divorce me.”

The current situation was that Lucinda honestly told her mother the reason and process.

After hearing her daughter's honesty, Fiona felt both angry and distressed, yet guilty.

She poked Lucinda's forehead, blaming, "I urged you to marry fearing that you’d be hurt deeply by George Mitchell. I know you didn’t want to get married. Did I force you to marry apart from nagging you? Instead, you thought of hiring a fake boyfriend to fool me because I nagged."

"You hired someone to pretend to be your husband, fine. But you naively went to register for marriage. Do you think signing that agreement is enough? You should only believe three out of ten things men say."

"Once you register for marriage, you're legally husband and wife. It’s easy for you to get married, but it’s hard for you to divorce."

Fiona scolded her. Suddenly, she felt something was wrong and asked doubtfully, "How could Stefan cheat you into registration? I feel like he... seems to have feelings for you, taking every chance to take you to the Civil Affairs Bureau?"

No wonder she thought so.

Although she didn't know Stefan's real identity until tonight, Stefan was her son's college classmate. She heard a lot about Stefan from her son.

Such an excellent man would definitely not lack women.

He readily agreed to Lucinda's request and coaxed Lucinda to register for marriage. Fiona always felt that Stefan had set a trap waiting for her daughter to jump in.

Lucinda blushed, bowed her head, and said softly, "Stefan said he has liked me for a long time."

Fiona was speechless.

Tonight's information was too much, making her feel overwhelmed.

After a while, she spoke again, still insisting, "Divorce!"

"Mom, I don’t want to divorce either. I think Stefan is quite good. I feel comfortable with him, and I like him more and more."

"You… Have you forgotten the pain George brought you?"

"Mom, how can George and Stefan be mentioned in the same breath? George flatters the powerful, while Stefan himself redeems the powerful, he will not be like George."

Fiona coldly said, "Stefan will have a lot of pursuers. Ms. Scott tonight is one of them. Didn’t you hear Ms. Scott say that her family and the Anderson family are friends, and she and Stefan have known each other since childhood? You will have many such competitors, can you handle it?”

Lucinda was silent.

Fiona sighed, gave her daughter a hug, "I won’t force you, you need to think it over. You and Stefan have a big gap in your living environment. At first, you may feel very sweet. You may think he can protect you. But after a long time, passion will fade, and feelings will also fade. He may start to get tired of you because of your different living standards. Unless you continue to study hard to approach his life."

This would be very tiring.

Fiona let go of her daughter.

"Let's go home."

Lucinda nodded silently.

Fiona didn't stay downtown anymore.

She asked her son to take her back to her hometown immediately.

That night Lucinda refused to let Stefan into her room. She wanted to think calmly about her and Stefan's future.

Stefan understood that the real reason Lucinda's mother opposed them being together was that he came from a very wealthy family.

This is ironic. His family did not oppose him and Lucinda being together. But after Lucinda's family knew his identity, they all opposed them being together.

Is the Anderson family really that scary?


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