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Fifty Shades Darker (book 5) novel Chapter 133

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I get up, and before I know what I’m doing I’m outside, walking away from the conversation. The conversation about me.

I WALK THREE TIMES around the block and return to Flynn’s office. Janet says nothing as I stride past her, knock on the door, and enter.

Flynn gives me a benevolent smile. “Welcome back, Christian,” he says.

“I think time is up, John.”

“Nearly, Christian. Join us.”

I sit down beside Ana and place my hand on her knee. She gives nothing away, and that’s frustrating, but she doesn’t pull her knee out of my reach.

“Did you have any other questions, Ana?”

She shakes her head.


“Not today, John.”

“It may be beneficial if you both come again. I’m sure Ana will have more questions.”

If that’s what she wants. If that’s what it takes. I clasp her hand and her eyes meet mine.

“Okay?” I ask gently.

She nods and gives me a reassuring smile. I hope the squeeze I give her hand lets her know how relieved I am. I turn to Flynn.

“How is she?” I ask him, and he knows I’m referring to Leila.

“She’ll get there,” he says.

“Good. Keep me updated as to her progress.”

“I will.”

I turn to Ana. “Should we go and celebrate your promotion?”

Her shy nod is a relief.

WITH MY HAND ON the small of her back, I escort Ana out of the office. I’m anxious to hear what was discussed. I need to know if he put her off.

“How was that?” I ask, aiming for nonchalance, as we walk out onto the street.

“It was good.”

And? I’m dying here, Ana.

She looks at me and I have no idea what she’s thinking. It’s unnerving, and annoying. I scowl.

“Mr. Grey. Please don’t look at me that way. Under doctor’s orders I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt.”

“What does that mean?”

“You’ll see.”

Will she marry me or not? Her winsome smile doesn’t give me any clues.

Hell. She’s not going to tell me. She’s leaving me hanging. “Get in the car,” I snap, and I open her door.

Her phone rings and she gives me a wary look before answering. “Hi,” she says enthusiastically.

Who is it?

“José,” she mouths at me, answering my unspoken question. “Sorry I haven’t called you. Is it about tomorrow?” she says to him, but without looking away from me. “Well, I’m actually staying with Christian right now, and if you want to, he says you can stay at his place.”

Oh yes. He’s delivering the stunning photographs of Ana, his love letters to her.

Embrace her friends, Grey.

She frowns and turns away, crossing the sidewalk to lean against the building.


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